[hider=Icarus Shadesong] Name: Icarus Shadesong Race: Dwarf Physical Description: Like your typical dwarf he is quite stocky with broad thick shoulders that have been finely toned from many hard years of working in his fathers forge. His beard his far too short to be braided like most dwarfs and is actually groomed quite close to his face; this being due to safety hazards within the forge(Icarus learned at quite a young age how flammable hair can be). His hair was almost a fine blondish white, quite rare among dwarves, yet the ash and smoke from in the forge has seemed to almost permanently left a layer of soot turning his almost oddly bleached looking hair into a dirty blonde. His eye's are a mix between blue and green and always had a look of inquisitiveness in them, a trait he was told he had received from his mother, a wandering healer. Forging no only requires a steady hand but perfect posture, which has given him the habit of having an almost rigidly stiff back, thus giving him the appearance of being taller than he actually is(despite being only average height for a dwarf). This rigid way of walking contrast with the loose and inquisitive nature he carries himself with. Gender: Male Age: 24 (Very young for a dwarf!) Class: Healer(With a mix of Divination/Conjuration in there) Equipment: -A large and sturdy two handed forging hammer, used for hammering down thick blocks of metal to flat sheets fast. A little unwieldy in combat since it really isn't made for that purpose, but can pack quite a punch due to its weight. -Very small craftsman hammer used on small tool working -Leather smith's gear that provides decent protection from whether elements -White traveling cloak with family crest emblazoned on the back -Backpack of supplies like rations, water, small knife, pair of tongs, rope, blanket, and flint + steel. Bio: Born into a small darven mountain mining clan, his father was one of the few local smithies and his mother was a wandering healer who seemed to work wonders even with little amounts of herbs or potions at her disposal and sometimes was seen talking to what only looked like an empty room of shadows. Her mother had a brief romance with his father, Gruve Stromschlag, and only stayed long enough to give birth to Icarus and then suddenly vanished. She left behind a pile of books with a single note saying: "To my son, the only gift I am able to give you." Icarus spent years in his father's forge repairing much of the local's tools and learning to be quite an adept craftsman, and when he became old enough to read in his spare time gorged himself on the various books his mother had left him. The books were mainly on healing, but occasionally he read one on spirituality and on magical rituals. Icarus used this mew knowledge to assist miners that had been injured during their work in the more dangerous parts of the caverns. Yet he noticed when helping people he could see strange white lights surround those more grievously injured, and on even more rare occasions, voices coming from recently deceased bodies. His clan was a superstitious one; so he kept these events to himself. As time passed and he grew older, these events occurred more often. Once during a sickness outbreak where he was treating a local baker had become so ill his death became inevitable; Icarus saw the white light began floating off the man and almost felt a connection to it. yet he felt a sense of longing from it, a sense of desperation and as if almost by instinct Icarus willed it to remain connected to the body. Icarus felt himself being drained from this "connection" to the light but saw improvement in the man so he continued. The next day, after Icarus had passed out after a few hours of this exertion the man woke up; fully recovered. It was like a miracle, but Icarus did not speak of what he had done for he had a sinking feeling about what it was. Necromancy. Icarus realized what the stories of his mother and her strange talks with shadows and miracle healings were. She was a necromancer, but weren't they supposed to be evil? All she had done.. was help people? Maybe.. just maybe necromancers weren't.. necessarily evil? With this revelation Icarus was frightened, but endeavored to test his new found powers in secret; he began to listen to the voices near the graveyards and hear their moans, he tried to heal his own wounds and scratches from the forge without anything but this "energy", and as he experimented his powers grew. One morning a massive cave in several miners were killed. The clan gathered to mourn their dead and has Icarus arrived he noticed one spirit standing near his wife who was wailing over his body. Without thinking and so distraught by this woman's wails Icarus used his new powers to make the spirit visible to her. She stopped suddenly as the spirit of her dead husband held her for one last time and then with a shimmer disappeared. The clan was shocked by this display of power and immediately turned against Icarus. Only due to his long time of healing their injured did they allow him to gather some of his supplies before being exiled. His own father now looked at him with disgust as he gathered his things. Icarus gathered some tools and one of his mother's cloaks that she had wrapped up the books she left for him and set off into the world. He changed his clan name to shadesong after the stories of his mother talking to shadows, and donned the cloak that had the crest of a phoenix embroidered on the back. Icarus now wanders from town to town doing handy work or healing in exchange for lodging or food and is always in search of a good library to further his studies in his arts over death. Icarus hopes to find his mother and one day found a school for white necromancers that use their influence over life and death for good. Personality: Icarus us incredibly studious and loves to get his hands on any books, bits of lore, or artifacts he can find. He is a bit wary of talking about his past and abilities due to his foul treatment from those he loves, but deep down is incredibly friendly, loyal, and appreciative of those that can look past his abilities to who he really is. He can get caught up in seeing all the spirits and emotions of those around him or just in one of his newest books so he is considered a bit of a spacey person that gets distracted easily. [/hider] Let me know if you want any edits!