[center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/fffe/f/2007/162/9/b/valkyrie_by_omen2501.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=darkgray]The Wolven Storm[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [h2][center]S W O R D S O F F A T E[/center][/h2] [hr] [i][right] [color=darkgray]The third day comes a frost, a killing frost, And, when he thinks, good easy man, full surely His greatness is a-ripening, nips his root, And then he falls, as I do. I have ventur'd, Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders, This many summers in a sea of glory, But far beyond my depth. My high-blown pride At length broke under me, and now has left me, Weary and old with service, to the mercy Of a rude stream that must for ever hide me. ~ William Shakespeare[/color][/right][/i] [color=darkgray][i]The heavy mountain winds whip about you in a fevered frenzy as you draw your body more supine against your stead. Night had fallen quickly as it does this time of the year with no remorse or hesitation. The path ahead of you is long and winding, you alone in your journey across the old moutain passess. Somewhere up ahead you see a flicker, growing steadily larger as you approach. As you come closer what turns out to be an old oil lantern of dwarven make casts a scene in front of you. An old man sits on a fur mat. A tent composed of various furs behind him, and a mule with a large pack grazing nearby. The man looks up to you, his wrinkled face worn by years of travel and age, teeth marked yellow with the use of smokesong as he gives you a wide smile. He offers you a seat as he takes off a container that was heating above the small fire, and soon he begins to pour the liquid into two old wooden cups. You know his type, your mother warned you of them when you were young. A tinkerer, the traveling merchants that dot the land. Thieves, peddlers, scavengers, storytellers and tricksters. You never trust a tinkerer, they are men of mischief. But are they not also the harbingers of adventure? Do not all the old tales and legends begin with the young heroes finding one such wandering merchant who sets them down the path. Was it not a tinker that give Leofel the rope which he used to capture the Sun? Besides the man looks harmless enough, with his wrinkled skin and milky eyes. So you sit down with him and take the wooden cup he offers from his worn and calloused hands. Tentatively you raise the cup to your mouth and take the first sip. The strong taste of Navariarin Fire Water seeps into your mouth burning its way down your throat bringing warmth on the cold night before it rests as a warm collesed pit in the center of your stomach. He's intrigue if anything by your presence, the roads these days are anything but safe and most stay in the towns at night for fear of the boogeyman and werewolves that haunt the night. You could say the same about him, a lone old man could be a very tasty morsel for any beasts and the contents of his pack a great prize for any enterprising bandit. But none the less he seems glad to have your company on this darkest of nights. After some time passes he asks if you would like to hear a story. Your interest is peaked as you raise an eyebrow at the man. From what you know of Tinkers they are supposed to be some of the grandest story tellers in all of the lands, collecting tales and legends wherever they go. You've never had a chance to listen to one of their stories, and now seems like as good as an opportunity as ever. Humoring the man you pass five gold crowns over the fire and into the man's outstretched hand. Giving you a more welcoming smile than before, he disappears into his tent the sound of bones cracking and shifting into place as he rises from the ground. He returns a little bit later with a large leatherbound book thick enough to serve as armor against blade or bolt. He tells you that he will tell a tale not that old, per say but important all the same. A tale that shaped the world as the Swords of Fate clashed sending echos across the mountains. The story of the Wolven Storm. As he finishes his introductions with a flick of his hand the flames begin to dim and the rest of the world becomes muted accept his voice as the smoke of the fire begins to warp and take shape - a wolf running through the forest and so he begins. "Something ends, something begins."[/i] Something ends, something begins. Like all good stories this one begins with a death and a resurgence. In the Northern Lands King Arience Tyerial Kadover Estionia Lysteria dies after two months of battling an infection set on by a wound taken in battle. The king died without a legitimate heir to his throne and without a strong claim, the Northern Lands fell to chaos. Bastards, and nobles all fought with their own self raised armies for claim over The Throne of The Ironmount. Two hundred years of peace that had been established and maintained by the Lysteria destiny ended. The wars of succession were long and bloody and in the end no winner could be decided amongst the dead. The Northern Lands fractured among old territorial boundaries and the remnants of the Lysteria's empire were soon relegated to only old crumbling monuments and broken roadways as a dozen petty kingdoms were formed in the wake, continually plagued by wars of expansion and aggression. As the North fell into chaos and butchery, in a verdant land far to the south celebration were held in every village and hamlet and every citizen of the capital was dressed in their best finery. On this late spring day, marked the coronation of Emperor Katovier eld Kovari, Otersern tryst Yaught var Neir. Emperor Katovier eld Kovari was the youngest son of the late ruler of the Vorstag Empire. Born from the union of his father the Emperor of Vorstag and his mother Queen Elzya de Sirvell of the Kingdom of Sirvilla. Thier union and Emperor Katovier ascension marking an age old plot to combined two of the greatest nations in all of the known world Sirvilla and Vorstag and marking the creation Greater Vorstag Empire. Katovier was a young man in his mid twenties, charismatic and charming he was a favorite among the complex games and multitudes of plots of the Vorstagian courtiers and nobles, and as a great military officer and accomplished swordsman he also had the heart of the common man safely within his grasp. It was a time of great celebration and bountiful feasts in the lands across Vorstag and Sirvilla. The feasting would continue for two weeks, all the while the Empire's subjects were unaware of the greater plan that lay ahead for them. Katovier eld Kovari had his eyes set on the objective that his father had trained him for since he was still a young boy. He would bring unity to the land. The world would remember him as the Emperor who united the realms. Thirty years have passed since the death of King Arience and the coronation of Katovier eld Kovari. The Emperor of Vorstag is no longer the young man that took the throne all those years ago. The dreams and ambition of a conqueror are never an easy task. The Wars in the South to secure Vorstagian domination were relatively bloody affairs. Vorstag's borders grew yearly encompassing more and more land through either war or politics. For a time Katovier eld Kovari was considered the greatest emperor Vorstag had ever seen. The lands acquired and the many victories in battle pleased the courts and nobles at least long enough to keep his coffers fueled and his armies armed and ready. The new subjects of the empire were quickly assimilated into the fold of the Empire, their peoples kept complacent with bread and circus, and they quickly learned that while Vorstagian rule was harsh to those who would break it, it was a fair rule that brought civility to a more unified land. But these days public opinion of the Emperor has fallen from the glory days of his peak. The main reason for this sudden turn of events being the war in the North. The Vorstagian people had grown accustomed to quick victories watching their army destroy all those that stood in their way. They were the hammer that forges the raw metal into shape. But the men of the North provided surprising resistance. The once fractured states were unified once more under the rule of one man, King Jaython of Arden. Arden was one of the larger broken kingdoms to have come out of the wars for the Ironmount that came after the death of King Arience. A former grand kingdom in the North in its own right before King Arience beat them in a long and bloody war forcing them into submission. The reformation of the lost kingdom came from one Tehtran Velston, the only surviving member of the Velston Dynasty who held control over Arden before its fall. Jaython his son was a strong military officer and in many ways was a reflection of his adversary Katovier eld Kovari in his youth. The young king lead a decisive campaign called the Red Summer in which he tore a hole through the north crushing all in his way until he sat upon the Iron Mountain retaking control of the North. During the Red Summer, Jaython showed his skills as military officer and his intolerance for those whom he deems less than him. Mass beheadings were held and the north soon became littered with mass graves for the dead, but the young king of Arden held the close ear of many officials both in military, economic and religious spheres retaining his influence and marking those that he killed as Vorstagian traitors. These two men stand opposed to one another. Katovier eld Kovari the old wolf of the south, with his entire legacy on the line and King Jaython the white wolf of the north, fighting to retain a rule that he only just managed to cement. As they bear their fangs the world trembles beneath their weight. The Vorstagian Invasion makes slow yet steady progress continually pushing ever northward, but ever persistent the Ardenian forces continually push back and as the front crawls forward in one area in another it slowly crawls backwards until the two forces readjusted and the cycle starts again. The people of the North are kept in check through the fear and strong arm of Jaython and his men but at the same time he is the only hope they have in keeping their valued independence. While Katovier fights for his honor, to be remembered as the Emperor that united the Realms and brought generations of Vorstagian peace and rule, even as his coffers began to run dry and the murmurs of the nobles who tire of this tiresome war. And even so another force moves on the horizon as unnatural weather patterns and large magical disturbance mark the landscape as the monsters become more and more ravenous and aggressive do the chaos and the bloodshed. There are whispers of an ancient prophecy accounting the end of time itself as the world succumbed to frost and fire. A prophecy that speaks of two rulers one in the North and one in the South and a great war between them. The coming of the Wolven Storm.[/color] [hr] [center][H2]H A N D S O F D E S T I N Y[/h2][/center] [hr] [color=darkgray][right][i]Wolves always hunt in packs[/i][/right] Caught in the middle of this terrible conflict are the Wolves. The Company of the Wolf, was a loose confederation of sellswords almost as old as the realms themselves. The wolves took from all walks of life from beggars, to murders, and trained knights. Most give up their old identities upon taking the oath, forgetting whoever they once were and becoming soldiers for hire. It was a hard life if anything, but you were given training to defend yourself, a warm bed and a gurtainee of three meals a night. If you needed a job done and you needed it done with professional service and ability they were the men and women to call. Up to about one year ago they were preoccupied with their most recent job working as the protector of Lord Van of Starly. A job which paid well and was relatively luxurious in its contents having to put down the occasional peasant revolt and killing the foolhardy bandit lord here and there. But, Lord Van in his arrogance did not succumb to the demands of the Vorstagians and instead backed King Jaython as the traditional ruler of the north. As it turns out the small mountainous kingdom though bountiful in its supply of raw materials was not worth the bloodshed and once the going got rough, Jaython made a tactical retreat across the River Tally leaving King Van to his fate. With Van's head on a pike after a month long siege of his castle, the Wolves beaten and having surrendered and left the Vorstagians in after it became quite obvious that the siege was only going to end with them all dead. for them at least the Vorstagians admired their skill in the defense of Van's castle and as long as the sellswords would considered their contract with Van void all would be forgiven. And soon after the execution the Wolves were approached by a messenger requesting that they come to the Imperial Capital for an audience with the Emperor himself. Not one to argue with orders from powerful emperors whose armies surrounded them on all sides and seeing no harm in a friendly meeting they made way to the imperial capital. It was here that the Wolves received their next job. The job was simple with his forces preoccupied with fighting the barbarians in the north, he needed another set of eyes to go investigate something for him. His spies had continued to bring back disturbing reports from isolated northern cities and villages of mysterious events. Entire villages slaughtered in a single night and the culprits never to be found. The whispers of the Wolven Storm. While not a superstitious man Katovier was not a stupid one either and knew when events ever strange needed to be look into and dealt with. He could not have an unknown element foiling his war. The wolves of course would have no true acknowledgement of their position and would receive no aid from the Vorstagian forces in the north. The Job was simple enough and even if it wasn't the standard affair, checking into baseless legends and the superstitions of the peasantry seemed like an easy task. Little did they know what would follow was how closely the Wolven Storm, the war and everything else was intertwined. [/color] [hr] [center][h2]T H E R A C E S O F T H E R E A L M S[/h2][/center] [hr] [color=darkgray] [i]While other races do exist within the Realms, three races make up the so called "Greater Races". The Elves, Dwarves and Humans. The Humans have become the dominate force in the realms mostly just from population as they are generally much more short lived than their two companions and because of it can just outgrow them fielding larger armies and dealing with plagues and famines easier. High racial tensions exist between the humans and their other companions. With humanity holding the top spot considering the other two to be lesser creatures and treated as second class citizens having to live in ghettos and designated quarters of cities. To see a Elven Noble would be a great shock indeed. The abuses that occur also involve vented anger from the failed Elven Revolts in which the Elves with help from the Dwarves and a few enterprising groups of humans tried to star mass revolutions and retake their place as top dogs in the realm, slaughtering many along the way. [/i] [hider=Humans] [right][i]Wonders are many, and none is more wonderful than man. — Sophocles, Antigone[/i][/right] The most populous of the three Greater Races and chronologically the last to arrive in the Realms. They came as little more than barbarians, crossing the frozen seas following herds of large furry animals. They settled in the north and that is where the first human kingdoms began to grow and at a rate that surprised the Elves and Dwarves to a great degree. The Dwarves were the first of the other two races to begin to trade and open up with them finding the humans at least a relatively nice change to the standoffish elves and eventually the three came into an odd sort of coexistence with one another. But as the humans continued to reproduce and their borders grew over the years as they needed more land to convert for farming and building large cities and towns things changed. The Humans began to encroach upon age old elven land and soon a few minor skirmishing became all out war between the old Elven kingdoms and their eventually replacers. The Elves thought the war would be easily won with their superior intellect and magic they could crush the barbarians with little more than a flick of their wrist. But little did they know of the human's skill in death and destruction. The wars were long and hard fought but eventually by pure birth rates alone the humans were able to crush the last of the Elven kingdoms and cement their rule as the new masters of the Realm. They destroyed most of the old eleven cities and built their own atop their ruins. They were dead set on setting their own history as the truth where the elves had always been lesser than them and human dominance was clear and well set. The world slowly changed as forester were cleared and roads were crafted where there was once none. At first two human kingdoms ruled one in the North and the other in the South but eventually these kingdoms fractured into the many smaller ones that still fight for supremacy to this day. As the superior intellectuals leading in the world of the sciences and understanding the world around them, human dominance and subsequent racism seems to be a fact that will remain, as long as they don't all kill one another first that is.[/hider] [hider=Elves] [right][i]"Nothing is worse than an elf that does not know his place."[/i][/right] The Oldest of the Greater Races and the first non-natives to come to the lands crossing the Sea of Tears in their great ships of white. The Elves as masters of magic and already possessing a developed and well advanced civilization quickly began to spread out across the southern half of the realms setting up great kingdoms that lived in general peace and prosperity along with their neighbors the dwarves. These kingdoms lasted for hundreds of years and would only fall to the human invaders during the Wars of Human Aggression as the Elves still call them. Their culture destroyed, their cities sacked and burned and most of elven history was lost in the wars. The only remnant being the Old Tongue, the old language of the elves and even then the most common form still spoken today is one singular dialect that manged to survive out of hundreds that used to exist. They were forced into submission as peasant workers and whores confined to ghettos or small villages where the local ruler could do whatever he or she felt fit to them. They were often displaced and moved from their homes and given land where it was hard for even the most persistent of weeds to grow. Because of this Elven resistance has always occurred. As natural horseman having brought horses over to the Continent when they crossed the seas, guerrilla war bands of mounted eleven riders were not uncommon on the fringes of civilized society were not uncommon. These isolated villages would tell horrible stories of the riders slaughtering every villager to the man. Because of these individuals and the failed Elven Revolts, Elves at least by humans are considered bloodthirsty fiends always looking for an opportunity to rape your wife and sacrifice your firstborn under a newborn moon to their false gods. Elves of course hold their own prejudices against the Humans. As their religion and beliefs state they were hand crafted by the gods and placed as the seed that would bring the world into a new dawn, and that humans as creatures that evolved as opposed to being handcrafted by the gods were lesser creatures basically hairless apes that don't know their place. They view humans as arrogant and foolhardy, and that all their advances in the sciences and learning were just the relearning of concepts the elves had found out about centuries ago. Though their is some truth to their preconceptions as Elves are different than most of the other creatures of the realm. The possess a magic entirety of their own, a more raw and potent sort of magic different from the human sorcerers and dwarven runiests. While some conceptions are held about Elven immortality, it is not the case while they certainly do live longer than any human most elves have a general lifespan of 1,000 years long enough in human years to be considered immortal but they do age just very slowly. [/hider] [hider=Dwarves] [right][i]Never anger a Dwarf.[/i][/right] The stout race of merchants and craftsman, the Dwarves if we are being technical are the true inheritors of the continent being the only native species of the Realms. Though they are technically younger than the elves. The Dwarves are more or less a solitary race, they live within their masterfully crafted citadels and fortresses. Dwarves tend to like high places and build high up into the mountains of the Realm making their small city state collections very hard to either infiltrate or attack. As mentioned previously dwarves keep to themselves, having their own affairs and politics to worry about and most stay within the confines of the city that they are born in for the entirety of their life. Those seen walking amongst the "ground-walkers" as they are called are either merchants or exiles criminals casted away from their high mountain homes to wander until they can at least try and die with a warrior's death. Because of the Dwarves generally isolationist attitudes and staying out of the affairs of everybody else for the most part they are treated better than the elves. They have value as craftsman making some of the best armor in the land and dwarven merchatns carry exoitct goods from the moutain caverns they call home that can not be found anywhere else. Despite that though they are still considered barbarians by the humans and drunken fools by the elves. [/hider] [/color] [hr] [center][H2]M A G I C A N D S O R C E R Y [/H2][/center] [hr] [color=darkgray]Magic is the art of bending the Will. The Will is an otherworldly power source that lays beyond the veils of known reality. Sorceress, Cleric, Druids and the like can use this power to perform great feats. The mastery of Magic involves the memorization and knowledge of vast sums of knowledge whose complexities and intricacies mean the difference between a successful spell and instantaneous insanity or worse. Children who show natural skill are often sought out by the many cabales, lodges and colleges that exists in the world for sorcerers. The power bound in spell formulae may be used for healing, teleportation, destruction, creating illusions, and altering form. Though the will is also affected by the Caster themselves and each magical burst is different from mage to mage, cleric to cleric, druid to druid, sorceress to sorceress. Magic is considered a curse, a blessing, the future, an art and a science all wrapped into one tight bundle. People fear magic users becuase of their independence and their general hotheadedness, their is no governing body that maintains ethical codes and morals for magic users they are owned held back by their own minds and morals. Because of this stories of mad necromancers and warlocks trying to take over towns and cites is not an all uncommon story. Most kings and queens hold at least one magic user of some kind in their court. They usually serve as a cheif advisor as most are very well versed in the history of the world. Even so to the common man prejudices are held high, as most religions condemn magic as gifts of delivery and the play of tricksters. Righteous inquisitors and witch hunters don't help to stifle those myths either in the long run. When bad things happen and little Jimmy falls down the wall, or the crops fail the sorceress is the first to be blamed and many a poor individual has been burned on a pyre for crimes they did not commit. It is also important to note that tapping into the Will has certain peculiar side effects, the most notable being the longevity of Magic Users. The Will preserves them and keeps them young and they age at a very slow rate, not long when compared to other creatures like the elves but much longer than the standard human life span. [/color] [hr] [H2][center]R E L I G I O N I N T H E R E A L M S[/center][/H2] [hr] [color=darkgray][i]Believers of all kinds populate the realms as a land of sorcery and monsters tend to breed superstitious bunches. Religions small and large dot the known world from the smallest cults to the Celestial Path of the Vorstag Empire, all with their followers and preachers, all contesting over the faith of the populace. While some of these faiths do hold the best interests of the people at heart, serving as places of peace and healing in a collapsing world, most are nothing more than tools. Tools used by Kings, generals and madman using ideology and the blind faith of the followers to do their bidding. In these dark times religion is becoming more and more prominent in the lives of the daily peasant as they need something to cling to in all the chaos, something to point them in the right direction, something they can follow blindly without want or care.[/i][/color] [Hider=The Order of The Glorious Light.] [color=darkgray][right][i]May the Light guide us.[/i][/right] The Order is the most common religion found in the North and the official religion of Arden. The myth of the Order beings long ago when the first King of the North was defending Highbrook Pass from a much larger and formidable Elven Force during the Wars of Human Aggression. His forces were tired and severely outnumbered and reinforcements were still a week's ride away. Desperate for help and having lost his way in the middle of the night the king fell down up his knees in his tent and looked up to the skies and prayed, to someone, anyone. And at that moment a flicker of moonlight fell through the torn hide roof of his tent and hit the finery scattered about. The King was taken aback by the beauty of the scene around him as the light seemed to dance and move about him, taking him into its tender embrace. It was then that he heard a voice, a voice that told him that so long as he walks in the light will he and his kin be victorious. With a newfound resurgence on the next morning when the elves attacked, the King rallied his men as the light from the sun shined down up his gilded armor making him glow like a holy specter from above. And somehow, the forces held for seven days and seven night until reinforcements came and they were able to route the Elven marauders and preserve the north. The worshipers of the Order belive in the personification of the Light, the Nova as it is called. The voice that spoke to the king on the eve of the battle. This personification came to represent glory, courage and survival through the perilous and long dark. Once the Order was only the religion of the Nobility as most of the peasantry still clung to their old druidic beliefs but as time progressed, the populace was slowly converted until a strong majority now believe in the Order's teachings. A fact that only strengths the Order's presence and only further aides in their rather aggressive tendencies. The Order teaches strict revance and faith from its worshippers and the Speakers of the Order can quite easily arouse a mob of peasants to supplement their own knights of the Order. These mobs and knights are often turned against nonhumans and magic users who are considered blasphemous creations of the dark that need to be watch closely or purged if they threaten the sanctity of the Light. The Order has more recently become a much larger player on the political scene. This started when King Jaython made the Order the official state religion of the North once he conquered the Ironmount. In this Jaython made a strong ally in the Light Bearer, the religious head of the Order securing his support and his large supplies of fanatic believers and knights. And so as the world crumbles as more blood is shed every day and more monsters appear every night more and more begin to look for any sense of hope and solace they can hold onto if only briefly. And what better beacon of hope than a shimmering light in the darkness?[/color] [/hider] [Hider=The Path] [color=darkgray][right][i]Glory in the Path.[/i][/right] The Celestial Path is the state religion of the Vorstag Empire. The religion has it roots in Vorstag proper being based upon a century old cult that had its home in the capital who worshipped the old Elven Goddess of the Moon. The Path was one of many religions within Vorstag fighting for supremacy in its rule. Empress Cyldia eld Kovari was searching for a way to maintain the dynastical succession of the eld Kovari name as emperors of Vorstag. Something to rally the populace to, to serve as a symbol of their holy and destined rule for centuries. The Path which was already becoming popular among the nobles of the notoriously contentious and troublesome Vorstagian court seemed to be the best answer to their problems. By skillfully managing with cash and giving priests monarchic favor, she made that the cult began to gain a new crowds of followers in the whole Empire. In exchange for it, Emperor demanded an absolute support for her policies from the clergy, practically making priesthood another form of civil service. The Empress and her descendants were soon named as the Caretakers of the Path basically making them head of state both in standard government and in the church. Securing all the privileges and support that the Path provided. The Path still worships a goddess of the moon. The Lady of Eight Faces a mysterious spirit who can take the form of a young child to an elderly matron as the physical representation of each stage or so the legends goes. She is side to represent life, death, birth and most important of all change. She is the herald of Change and the Caretaker her mortal arm the caretaker to make that a reality. Compared to the almost castle like temples of the Order, the Path have much more ornate affairs with large cathedrals stretching into the sky with beautiful carved sculptures dotting the walls both inside and outside. Though in all honesty the path is little more than another bureaucratic office of the Emperor at this point. With priest being another noble title for little boys to aspire to, but the people still need something to believe in.[/color] [/hider] [hider=The Druidic Faiths] [color=darkgray][right][i]May the Spirits watch over you.[/i][/right] The Druidic Faiths or as it is more commonly called the Old Ways, is the religion of humanity's ancestors. The faith that the first barbarians took with them when they first crossed the frozen seas long ago in search of new food sources. They believe in a sprawling pantheon of Great Spirit. These Spirits often taken the forms of animals were the representation of the primal elements themselves. They did not seek sacrifice or even worshippers but for the wilds to be treated with respect and reverence. Those that did not would be punished b disease, bad harvests and other natural disasters. The Druids serve as the communicators with these spirits and commune with the Great Spirits and because of it have great control of nature and have even been known to stomp floods in their tracks with a well placed spell. [/color] [/hider] [hr] [center][h2]B E S T I A R Y[/h2][/center] [hr] [color=darkgray][i]There are many creatures out in the realms, some more dangerous than others. As we encounter them they will be recorded here so that we can remember them more easily.[/i][/color] [hr] [center][h2]T H E A N N A L S[/h2][/center] [hr] [color=darkgray][i]Important GM messages, updates on story progression and anything else that needs to be viewable by all will be posted here.[/i][/color] [color=darkgray][b]1/24/16[/b] We are live and now accepting applications! Please post the application to the OOC and not the character sheet tab. Only accepted character sheets can go in that tab. Thank you and have a nice day.[/color] [hr] [center][H2]R u l e s[/H2][/center] [hr] [color=darkgray][indent][i] [b]01:[/b] I'm not the biggest fan of rules because I like to assume everybody is sane human being so I'll keep this short. If you have to abide by any rules be it these two. Common decency and common sense is something that everybody should strive for. Treat your fellow humans like they are just that your fellow humans and with all the respect that implies. Disputes between players should not be long blown out affairs in the OCC, hell disputes should not happen at all if we are doing this right. If you want to argue have your characters dispute about something mundane like the importance of starch or something. [b]02:[/b] In regards to any roleplay involving the dark depravity of mankind and giant monsters there are mature themes within this story. This is not a very nice world and terrible things happen to good people for no good reason. In that regard I heavily suggest you treat these matters with the weight that they would actually entitle. Romance falls into the same thing, sure it can happen just don't be stupid about it [b]03:[/b] Quality matters people, show me that you care. And remember I'm asking for your best not the best of Shakespeare or the like. I've been doing this shit for about a decade now and I'm still learning things everyday. Just remember Quality over Quantity and always remember [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDjrOaoHz9s]Fail Faster.[/url] [/i][/indent][/color]