[quote=@knockout709] [hider=Work in Progress] Background: Before the flood, Keiji lived in a grand jungle village, with homes in the trees and his family and friends were all close by. He would go fishing in their pond with his canoe, he would swing from vines with his brothers and sisters. It was the perfect life for a Saru Hengeyokai like Keiji. His parents were nobles of the village and respected among Hengeyokai. He was supposed to take his father's spot in the village. It was supposed to happen soon before... the flood. A giant wave, taller than every jungle tree was coming straight for his village. Keiji saw it first and sounded the alarm in the middle of the jungle. Everybody ran frantically, trying to find a way to survive the catastrophe. Keiji grabbed the hand of his smallest sister and ran, urging his family to follow him. As they ran, they approached the pond and the wave was already within minutes of striking. He assured his siter it would all be alright, and told his family and friends to try to find something sturdy to hold on to. Keiji and his sister grabbed on to the canoe, lodged it into a hollow tree and hid... waiting... laying there... just waiting. A sudden crash and the water was everywhere. Keiji's sister lost grip of the canoe and slipped away. Keiji grabbed her and held her close as he tried to swim for air. A tree was lifted from the ground and smashed into him, making him go unconscious and let go of his sister. When he woke up, he was on top of his canoe which was turned over. The jungle was gone. Nobody was in sight... [/hider] [/quote] Boat: Small, rickety wooden canoe made as a life boat. New Background: When Keijin was born, it had already been almost 170 years. His father was dead, apparently killed by looter goblins before he was born. He heard his dad was a great man, the leader of their ship. But when he died, someone else took charge... Botan. He was a brute, a mad Inu Hengeyokai (dog). He would abuse and slap the shipmates around like they were his slaves. He took advantage of Keijin's mother, saying he would kill her son if she didn't do what he made her do. And what he made her do... it made Keijin furious. As he grew older and watched the pain he put people through in a world that was already pain enough. When Keijin became 16, he decided he had to do something. In the night when most of the crew was sleeping, he snuck into the captain's quarters. Inside was Botan, sleeping with bottles of empty alcohol abundant on the floor. Keijin saw Botan's weapon leaning on the wall, grabbed it, and whacked Botan with the mighty club. However, Botan seemed unaffected. He woke up and grabbed Keijin, pulled him to the top of the ship and held him over the ledge. Botan screamed and strangled Keijin. His mother woke up, and so did the others. They screamed and yelled at Botan to stop, but he laughed and once Keijin had almost lost consciousness, dropped him into the water. Keijin awoke on one of the life boats that somebody must have dropped down after Botan had walked away. The ship was gone... he had to start over... a new life... new people, a new family.