SECONDARY QUEST-The Dogs of Dijon Street [i]I'm going to need to wash after getting out of this place,[/i] Par thought, before answering Mike: "Thank you." [i]Hmm, a Generation Two Synth that isn't as dumb as a Mr. Handy is quite rare...and probably screwed up.[/i] "So, what are we doing next; I presume you have the plan?" [i]Anything to get out of this damned building.[/i] Yes, Par knew that this structure was chosen for a reason, safety. But everything in and about it still disgusted him. Nevertheless, the prospect of caps kept him inside the room, while he tried to count the heisters; he needed to calculate how much will be split among the robbers. Once he was done, the young man would then ask the Synth: "How good is security at the bank?" [@Ordure], [@Ulstermann]