[hider=Alec] name:Alec gender:male godly parents:Anubis and Venus sphere of control: death, love, spirits personality: sarcastic and onrey with a tendency to actually be nice if you get to him...he's a mess sacred animal:ebony jackal powers: shifting (three forms: human, jackal, and what he likes to call his 'God form' pics will be included) Death touch (works only on mortals and plants weakens supernatural affects eye sight in gods) Energy vampirism (weakens gods, severely injures supernatural and gives him more power for a short amount of time.) Beauty (he can make the individual incredibly beautiful...which can be switched if the individual does something considered evil...then they become hideous...think what happened to medusa) Statue control (he can control statues that are of Anubis and full body...because animating a bust of Anubis would be kind of pointless) Peace weapon (like his mother he can transform weapons of destruction into something peaceful..he can also turn them back if asked...or he feels like it) Arousal (he can bring out lust...passion...or arousal in an individual which can cause a variety of reactions depending on the individual..generally he is able to force people to tell him his desires or tell him anything he wants.) Teleportation (he can teleport to places where he has been like Olympus...or the Egyptian underworld and pretty much all of earth) Axis Only: Body Glamour (Think mystique from x-men): Is able to mimic any human form he pleases matching (if he became someone else) their voice along with form. He could be anyone anywhere at anytime. when he shifts to a female his female appearance is a 5'8 woman with lightly tanned skin dusted with gold adding a shimmer to her skin, pink eyes, pouty lips, heart shaped face, toned body, and long ebony hair with a pink stripe covering the left eye. Generally shifts with clothes. Attire would be black leather pants, black boots (pirate style...so flat), red sweet heart neckline top. weapon(s): two handed scythes and a black whip History: To understand Alec you must first understand his parents. Oddly opposites did attract in the case of Anubis and Venus. Of course both didn't feel fully right about so it took them awhile before they fully got together. This resulted in a child. For Venus this brought around horror since Alec was born with a jackal head like his father. Because of this horror she tried to be rid of him. Instead Anubis took him in and taught his son everything about his realm. Alec grew and discovered his human form. With his human form he found his mother and basically rubbed it in. She took this...badly so to speak. So really after that moment they never spoke again. So if he has any other powers from his mother he does not know of them. After Anubis was killed Alec has taken over the tension of weighing the hearts of those that died and taking them where they need to go. Now a days though he tends to wander. Finding that he enjoys being among the humans. With tormented souls came the rise of Alec. Furious he went to speak to the merged, finding that the humans made some disease, but were working on a cure. Calmed down, he let them work. As time went on he ended up fighting the old gods along with other merged. Being hurt severely he got healed by Rhona. Though this action put her into the coma she is in now. He blames himself heavily and wishes he could take back his injuries for her to wake up. He found out about her brother leon, and gave them a widget egg. However, with the extinction of the human race, traumatized souls have overrun his domain. He wishes he could have saved them, and is tormented by the souls every time he returns home. As time went on, he felt the need to create life. But what? he figured he should start small and create a new plant species, something that would survive the night. Working hard, he had almost created a peaceful creature that was purely herbivorous. That is, until his familiar and a widget played to hard and came to him dripping blood. The blood got onto the little plant he was making and turned it into a plantoid. After shooing away the lightly bleeding familiar and widget he continues. He did not know that blood had gotten on the plant, and created a few more, before really looking at his creation. His creation proceeded in devouring a passing owl and thats when he knew he accidentally created an carnivorous creature. He called it a plantoid and really hopes no one connects him to the thing....not that he totally hates them...just...he wanted them to be peaceful and now they eat everything. A few years later he decided to try again with life creation and created the Chacal. These were a creation he was proud of. they were intelligent, but peaceful and can handle being on their own. They reminded him a bit of humans, but they were their own species. He adores them to no end, and as a plus they can actually consume the poisonous plantoid. He often walks among them as a priest, even though he is so tall. He finds that he enjoys watching them progress, finding that when they need a small nudge in the right direction he can give them that without showing himself. He just recently taught them how to train the now wild dogs to hunt with them. If rhona were to wake up, he would happily show him one of the two creations. Hoping that maybe she would enjoy them as much as the humans and feel less depressed. He misses her deeply, still unsure of his feelings for her. Appearance wise, he has not changed much. If anything, he is slightly more buff and his hair is slightly longer. He has a small scar on his hand from when a plantoid bit him. He doesn't talk about it. other: He loves black coffee Pics: Jackal: (All black golden eyeliner gold paw pads and glowy blue eyes) [url=http://fav.me/d1gn424]Click me[/url] God: [url=http://fav.me/d5pxec]Click me[/url] Human:(blue grey eyes black hair tanned skin) [url=http://fav.me/d1q63ms]Click me[/url] [/hider] [hider=Axis] Pics: [url=http://pre05.deviantart.net/a4a3/th/pre/i/2015/107/8/c/cupid_by_tbdoll-d7gld8g.png]Click me[/url] [url=http://img09.deviantart.net/eb7d/i/2015/106/f/3/smolder_by_tbdoll-d7oemo0.png]Click me[/url] Note: he has gold specks in his skin giving him a golden shimmer. he is also a lot stronger then in looks in this shape. He is also slightly taller then alec. name: Axis gender:Male godly parents: Anubis+Venus sphere of control:love, beauty personality: refined to the boot, he enjoys the finer things. A perfect liar, along with being relatively evil. He is the opposite of Alec in every way. "Well think of the two of us like two sides of a coin, Im the shiner, better, prettier side and he's...the other one darling." He's a bit egotistical. sacred animal:Black Swan Civilization: (The civilization they preside over)(Can be humans remade): None yet powers: Arousal(see Alec's) Peace weapon (see alec's) Teleportation Body glamour energy vampirism. weapon(s): A rather odd three sided knife that can do massive amounts of damage. He calls it the heart breaker. History: Since Alec was raised by Anubis he never really used the powers given to him by his mother. over time these power became their own persona. This persona known as Axis became rather angry...angry that they were ignored...not even thought of. So, while he waited he made himself stronger. However, he would still need a series of some unfortunate events to be able to fully take over. Watching his life through alec like some second hand mutt. Finally, the right events happened. Allowing for him to fully take over. And boy is it glorious. He can actually feel, he is fully in control of this body. He plans on enjoying every second of it. other: -While Alec and Axis share the same body they are separate entities. Basically this is an extreme case of multiple personality disorder. -Axis cannot use death touch, but he can use energy vampirism. -He is a lot better then Alec when it comes to using his abilities. _He believes Alec is weak due to letting his emotions guide him...that...and he believes Alec has poor taste in women. - Alec is currently bound within there. -he has a british accent [/hider] [h3]Civilizations[/h3] [hider][url=http://img07.deviantart.net/380f/i/2013/226/e/9/audrey_by_skywolf95-d6i3ume.jpg]Click me[/url] [url=http://pre13.deviantart.net/9b10/th/pre/i/2013/226/7/d/audrey_version_2_by_skywolf95-d6i3v84.jpg]Click me[/url] [url=http://pre07.deviantart.net/d8ba/th/pre/i/2013/226/6/d/audrey_version_3_by_skywolf95-d6i3vsf.jpg]Click me[/url] Name of Civilization: Plantoid Leadership Style: Bigger means stronger Powers of race: Self manipulation (They can make their vines, roots etc longer or larger) Sight (They have no eyes but they can see) Language (they are able to speak and understand other languages) Unique traits: ...they have a nice smile God or Goddess:Alec "Im so sorry...i don't even....these were not..." Other: -They are carnivorous -While they can 'walk' with their roots they much prefer their meals to come to them -they are extremely intelligent and can figure out other races' technology and use it themselves...often they feel it unnecessary to do so. -They are manipulative...very...very manipulative -when they are young they are small and cute, but like all dangerous talking plants they grow up and try to eat their helper before leaving -they seem able to adapt to nearly any environment -Some are plain and some have stripes, spots, or combination -they are poisonous -since there isn't any light they go through respiration...though when light comes back they can switch to photo synthesis as they are adaptive -They are somehow lazy for a species this interesting -Younglings have a larger appetite then the adults -if they experienced humans...it would probably end badly -they are both male and female like some plants Location: everywhere Video: Young: https://youtu.be/I3qiMfiAH98 How vines move and such: https://youtu.be/SfcPnul77T8[/hider] [hider][url=http://orig13.deviantart.net/23bd/f/2008/022/9/9/samburu_by_darknatasha.jpg]Click me[/url] Name of Civilization:Chacal Leadership Style: Ancient Egyptianish Powers of race: Fire, Night vision (when activated they can see clearly at night as if it were day...usful considering the predicament of the earth) Unique traits: Walking talking jackal people that can create and control fire God or Goddess:Alec Other: -They developed quickly into ancient egyptian technologies. Being ruled by one, much like those times. The difference being that they do not have slaves or abuse each other. They are intelligent and can communicate well with others. With the fire, they are able to protect themselves. -They come in array of different fur colors and fur patterns however, if a Chacal has all black fur they are automatically taken to become a priest or priestess since the coloration is rare and this is considered a sign that they were chosen since that coloration is the same as Alec's -They are very good at defending themselves, being proficient with an array of weapon types along with being able to function as a hole without a leader should their leader be wiped out. -They hunt in hunting packs with both males and females, finding that both genders can be strong. -They are all primary in egypt -they build extravagant buildings and many gather around the ruins of the pyramids. -They were loin clothes and will often adore themselves with beads, feathers, and 'paint' made from things around them. -They are not overly aggressive, but if threatened they can be incredibly aggressive. -The adult male reach around 5'8 and females reach to around 5'5 -they are able to eat plantoids if they kill one Location: Egypt [/hider]