[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/VcJUx5C.png[/img][/center] [center][color=f26522][h3]Prince Thranok Broadrock of Blackmoor Hold[/h3][/color][/center] [b]Physical Description:[/b] Thranok is nearly as wide as he is tall; a mountainous mass of fat and muscle. Standing at four and a half feet, and smothered in copious amounts of gleaming mails, he looks like your ordinary perception of a Dwarf warrior. Shoulder length blonde hair, and a well kept neck length beard surround what looks to be an almost permanent scorn. [b]Race:[/b] Dwarf [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 163 [b]Class:[/b] Fighter [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Double headed bronze battle axe [*]Bronze Short Sword [*]Tower Shield (Hooked over his backpack) [*]Backpack, containing generic travelling goods (food + water etc)[/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Thranok, son of Mountain Lord Thranix Broadrock of Blackmoor Hold, and sixth in line to the Gemstone Throne. Sounds a mighty title, doesn't it? Alas, being sixth in line to the throne, and possessing five older brothers, means that it is unlikely that Thranok will ever achieve much greatness beyond performing his duties as a royal dignitary. Not that it would be a hard life mind, and one could certainly do worse - but for some of us, a cushioned and sheltered life free of strife and struggle is a life not worth living. Thranok is of such mind, and that's why he has formally resigned his post - against his father's wishes - and set forth into the world with nothing but his axe and a few decades of combat training to his name. He's a hardy warrior in theory, who has proven himself on the training grounds, but who has not fought that many real enemies. A few goblins met their demise at the wrong end of his axe, that's a given, but beyond this? No. Thranok is a mighty hero in the making, not a mighty hero stalking the world. His future may bring greatness and glory, or it may be a rather short lived tale of misguided ambition and undeserved arrogance. Time will tell. [b]Personality:[/b] Thranok is an arrogant, overly confident warrior full of boasts. His tales are long and usually untrue, but he is always prepared to back up his bravado with real action. He's the brave amateur that all began as, and the keen idealist that no one ends up as. For Thranok, honour is everything - for now at least.