Polyphemus, I like your character. I used to work with a gentleman many years ago who was from Poland. His family name is Czerepusko. He left Poland in 1962 when he was 14 years old. He was from Eastern Poland, about 20 miles from the Belorussian border. He spoke both Polish and Russian growing up. He spent his teen years in Bridgeport, CT (USA). In 1969, he joined the US Army and served with the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol (LRRP) teams in the 173rd Airborne Brigade. A LRRP Team, which is surprisingly similar to the role your character is performing operated in 5-6 man teams. A LRRP team had a team leader (Sergeant), Assistant Team Leader (Corporal), Sniper, Spotter, Radio man, and Scout. Their mission was to conduct surveillance on Deep Battlefield targets and report what they see to higher headquarters. In Vietnam, he spent many missions doing just this task as well as the occaional assassination or raid type mission. But more often than not, it was avoid contact and Break contact whenever possible. Good Job, and if you like, I could make a young Pole to join yours. He would never go alone. No army sends someone in alone. It would be in a small 4-6 man team. Nice job! :D EDIT: on a side note, my Polish friend smoked three packs of cigarettes a day and died of cancer when he was 54. :(