[@Karos][@The Elvenqueen] Thanks! I wanted to spice up the healer role a bit, and thought this would be a fun way to do it! I'm picturing stuff like white necromancers can only summon spirits for seances that wish to be summoned, only heal and hold people's souls together with their bodies if they wish to live, instead of draining the life of others he drains HIS OWN life for more powerful heals and such, can possibly free revived undead from an evil necromancers grasp if they are strong enough and such like that(almost like a paladin's turn undead). So nothing really game breaking or anything that makes for a super powerful ability due to the restrictions of being a white necromancer; but just thought it would turn the typical "all I do is heal and stuff" healer into a more versatile support who's powers can make for some interesting rp moments. Hoping it will end up being fun to play as! :) Excited to see your guy's characters as well!