[@Lexicon] Alright some good questions. [b]Question #1:[/b] Well that's really up to you. In terms of filling the parameters of the sheet you just have to check off the box saying if you are wizard or not. If you would like to go into detail about their powers than I'm all for it. But I tend to try and just keep it simple. They are wizards and can do all the wizardy things that wizards do because wizards. xD You know leave it up to the imagination more fun that way. Or putting them in the skills section works as well. Once again whatever floats your boat. [b]Question #2:[/b] A timeline of the Companies shenanigans well for sake of simplicity we are going to go by the Imperial Calendar. So the year is 1172 IC. And the zero date is the founding of the Vorstagian Empire. The Company of Wolves was founded in 2700 BIC as one of the many Dwarven Free Companies (Before Imperial Calendar) 1226 BIC: the Elves cross the Sea of Tears and arrive on the continent. 200 BIC: Humans cross the frozen seas. 125 BIC: The Wars of Human Aggression began 100 BIC: The Wars end as the last of the Elven Kingdoms are razed. 30 BIC: The Northern and Southern Kingdoms begin to shatter and the Age of 100 kings begins. 0 IC: The Vorstag Empire is founded. Now we skip forward a bit. 1142 IC: King Arience Tyerial Kadover Estionia Lysteria dies in the North ending the Lysteria dynasty and Emperor Katovier eld Kovari ascends to the Imperial throne in the South. 1143 IC: The Wars in the South begin (The Company partakes on whoever pays them more throughout either the defenders or their Vorstagian aggressors. 1152 IC: The Wars in the South end with the Treaty of the Golden Sun, sealing Vorstagian dominance in the region. 1162 IC: The Wars in the North Begin and King Jaython of Arden takes control of the Ironmount and the North. (The Company once again takes up mercenary work fighting for both sides depending on the month) 1167 IC: The Company is hired by Lord Van of Starly. To help defend his small kingdom on the border between North and South. 1172 IC: The kingdom of Starly is conquered by the Vorstagins, The Company is sent to the Imperial capital to speak to the Emperor and rumors of the Wolven Storm arise in the far north. In terms of what the Company was doing during all of this well they are sellswords, mercenaries who take on contracts for the biggest amount of pay. They have had their hands in many major events as combatants or setting the scene, they have fought for defenders of the peace and warlords out for blood. In short they've done a lot. So I'm not going to post any certain major jobs or mission they have done but they have done everything from hunting monsters, to killing kings. But I'll leave the history itself a blank, something that you can all help fill in as we go along. So major events they've been in? Well that's only limited to your imagination of course to some levels of reasons.