Posting in OOC. Sorry about that! [hider] [b]Name:[/b] [hider=Gideon Wryder][img][/img][/hider] [b]Race:[/b] Human/Lycan [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Magical Potency:[/b] None [b]Physical Description:[/b] Gideon stands at a stout 6'4 with stocky shoulders and a good head on his shoulders. His hair is a light dusty brown with hints of gray hair scattered throughout. Though he will do his best to keep them hidden. He has light blue eyes to match his hairstyle. His voice has a distinctive gruff tone to it. He has muscle as well due to his rough life growing up and the occupation he had before joining the company. Though it obviously does him some good. He has a few definitive scars across his face. Most notably: One large scar on his left cheek. He wears it with pride. When in combat, his attire consists of a leather based armor with small metal shoulder pads and gauntlets. The boots and pants are of a light material and he has a patch of fur lining the collar and left shoulder. His civilian attire consists of a brown pair of pants with a white shirt to go with it. He will usually not wear any boots or footwear when he is lounging due to the nature of relaxation, but if he is wearing foot attire it would be his same pair of boots. [h2][center]Military Background[/center][/h2] Years spent in service: Gideon has been with the Company for about two years now. [b]Equipment:[/b] [hider=Gideon's armor style][img][/img][/hider] [list] [*] Two long silver straight swords [*] An assortment of tonics and oils [*] A steel locket engraved with the torn inscription written by his loved one [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] Superb Monster Hunter [*] Skilled Tracker [*] Versatile [*] Lycan Curse [/list] [center][h2]The Mind[/h2][/center] [b]Psych Profile:[/b] There are many things that Gideon has endured and struggled with. Due to this, Gideon has been given a rather bleak view on the world. He believe that everything happens for a reason and that the sins of his past life, even for things he may not have committed but inertly affected him, are causing his bleak out look on life. Gideon lost his most beloved wife when he was about 25. The two married rather young as they both desired no other. It was a true love story some would say. But, when his wife left this world, Gideon was permanently scarred. The two were only wed for two years or so. But he loved her like no other. Gideon does not play games. He will be as brutally honest as he needs to be. But, he can lie if he wanted to. As a monster hunter, Gideon desires to wipe the stains of evil life off of the realm. He joined the company when he needed a warm bed and meals to fuel him to keep going. He holds the codes and morals of the company to his heart. Gideon is not a downer and will not dwell on one thing for long. When he is given a job he will do whatever it takes to get the job done quickly and effectively. Due to his curse, he will keep it under wraps as best as he can. He has hidden it thus far. He tries to stay calm and collected as that is the best way to combat the curse. [h2][center][b]History[/b][/center][/h2] Gideon was raised on a small river town nestled in some corner of the Realm. His father was an honest fisherman and his mother mainly stayed at home and did things around the house, but she would do an odd job for some extra income here and there. During this time, Gideon was about 9 or so. The town he lived in was divided into two sections: One section for humans, and one section for non humans. As a child Gideon never understood why the town was divided, but he never questioned the values of the head of the town. The leader of the Town, was constantly under fire and heat due to the heavy monster attacks and raids that occurred about once a week. Gideon can recall having to hide in the small shelter in their home about twice a week due to the raids by monsters. After a few months, a party of noble warriors was formed and they went out to try and combat the monsters and end the raids once and for all as the town could not take much more. Gideon was about 10 now. His father was one of the men who enlisted to help with the raid. His mother pleaded him not to go, but Gideon's father was too proud of a man. So, the soldiers left into the marshy land to end this. Weeks later, only a few of them returned. Gideon's father returned with one arm missing and his left eye gouged out. How he was walking was a miracle. The townsfolk rushed down to greet the survivors but a trap was laid and the monsters attacked in full force. House were burned and shrieks of women and children could be heard. Gideon was grabbed by his mother and she dragged him along, but a large beast jumped out of the water and clasped his mother and killed her right on the spot. Gideon tried to escape but his mother's arm was locked onto his and her body was trapped under the water beast. At this moment, Gideon thought it to all be over, but something made the beast retreat. Gideon's father slashed at the beast with his one arm and eye and freed him from his dead mother's grasp. Before Gideon and his father could escape, his father was engulfed in a pillar of flame. His screams could be heard throughout the town as he was charred to a crisp. Gideon watched this happen with tears in his eyes and a confused mind. A woman's cackle could be heard as she calmly walked amidst the monsters and dead citizens. She was human, but she had strong magical properties. She was a witch. The leader of the river town was brought to her as the village burned. She grabbed his head and threw it back and as if on command, the monsters attacked his body and ravaged it. They ate everything. It was then, Gideon sprang up and ran as fast as he could. He ran so far and so fast that before he stopped the breath(figuratively) it was nightfall. His emotions were at an all time high. Tears were strolling down his face as the cries of the wildlife and wolves could be heard all around him. The scared boy panicked and continued to run. He was ambushed by a small pack of wolves that thought him to be an easy snack. One jumped and bit his arm with such strong force. Gideon let out a shriek and fell to the ground. An arrow came out of nowhere and punctured one of the wolves and the rest scattered. Gideon faded but he remembered being picked up by a dwarf and taken away. When Gideon awoke, he had bandages on his arm and dwarves all around him. The one who saved him gave him a smile and told him he was happy he was alright. The young boy thanked him and would spend the new few years of his life with the dwarf. The dwarf really wanted the small Gideon for menial labor and tasks around his shop for no pay, but Gideon didn't mind it. When Gideon reached 19, he started to court a girl. He left the dwarf who had saved him those years ago and he and the girl moved to a small village not far from the town he had lived in with the Dwarf. Though he and the girl he was infatuated with were not yet married, they lived together. Even though they were young, they wanted no other person in their life. Months into living with her, Gideon asked to have her hand in marriage and she accepted. Gideon got a job in the village as a guard of sorts to help have some income. It was during this time that he learned his basic fighting and tracking skills. His emotions had never reached a high like when he was 10, but he was doing his best to suppress those memories. When Gideon was 21, he was enlisted as the village's local monster hunter's apprentice. He was young but he had great potential. His wife did not like this... But Gideon loved the job. He slayed monsters from here and there with the elder at his side. It wasn't until late in his age of 21, that his wife fell ill. He scoured for a cure for her sickness but his wife swore up and down that she had been cursed when she was out in the forest picking berries. Before she could tell him anymore, she passed and Gideon was left alone. On that night, Gideon took his sword in hand and latched on to his steed and rode to the woods his wife spoke about. When he arrived under the cover of night his emotions got the best of him. A black wolf leaped at him and did not attack, but instead pushed him to the ground. His eyes were blurry as he was still worked up. His head started to throb and he lost his sword. He thrashed about and became angry with the world. He wanted the world to burn and he wanted to burn with it. The black wolf he had seen looked to him once more and then transformed into a woman. A woman, that Gideon remembered. It was the same witch from his previous village. She snickered to him and waved her hand above his head whilst saying some incantation. Gideon shook his head and staggered back to find his sword. But he soon fell to his knees and then on all fours. The curse had been placed on his. Soon, the transformation into a ragged clothed, bipedal wolf monster was finished. He let out a howl and was fueled by one thing: bloodlust. His desire to watch the world burn sparked the fire of his emotions and triggered the change. The curse was in him. It was a part of him. In his state, he rushed to the village and killed only a few people under the cover of night. When he awoke the next morning, he was naked and confused. He rushed home and was reminded of his wife's passing. Not remembering last night, he gave her a proper burial by himself and thought it best to leave town. During the next few years, Gideon came and went from town to town. Unaware of the curse placed on him at first, he got odd jobs as a monster hunter of sorts. He spent his days slaying monsters and beings alike. Every once in a while, his emotions would take over him and he would transform, but he would always awake with no memory of it. In one town he stayed in, an oracle gave him guidance and told him of his curse. She said the only way to combat the curse would be to not let his emotions get the best of him. The next few years were tough as he did his best to forget about everything he hated. But it proved difficult. Now about 26, Gideon had an idea. He asked around for the name of the village he had been born in and only got scrambled pieces of information since it had been destroyed. Eventually, he found his way there through backwards information givers and his own luck and initiative. Once there, he found trace monster remains and noticed they still inhabited the marshy area near the ruins of the village. Gideon trekked on and killed every monster in his path. He was fueled by the desire to kill them all so this seemed like justice to him. Eventually, he was confronted by the witch who had planted the curse on him and that had killed his parents. She used her magic to the best of her abilities and wore him down. But when she thought him dead, he came back and cleaved her head clean off. He sought no reward for killing the witch, but in the years to come he made a habit of killing the ruthless once who used their magical properties for evil. It wasn't until he was about 35 that Gideon heard of the Company. He sought them out and joined when he could. He has been with the company ever since and hopes one day, to see his beloved again. His curse still affects him. But he keeps it a secret. He seeks only to lend those a hand if they need it and to bring honor to the company. [h2]Denouement[/h2] [b]Character Motivation:[/b] To seek vengeance for himself and his wife and family. He desires to make the world a safe place. One dead monster at a time. [b]Significant Relations:[/b] His deceased wife Cilia [b]Opinions on Others:[/b] [/hider]