Carefully letting the girl go as she returned to her own footing, Chase shook his head slightly and took a small step backwards, giving her some space. He hadn't really gotten a chance to look at her before, it had happened too fast. Looking at her now he couldn’t really stop the goofy smile that crossed his face at her wincing, blue eyes flickering across her features as he shook his head slightly. “Don’t worry about it. It wasn’t your fault.” He assured her. And it hadn't been. “I ah… wasn’t looking where I was going. And it’s just a shirt, it can be washed.” Probably. Either way he wasn’t exceptionally attached to the garment “I’m sorry.” Well, really it had been Mason’s fault for shoving him. But that could all be dealt with later. And Mason [i]would[/i] pay later. “Are you alright?” As much as he wanted to run off Chase knew the polite thing to do would be to at least make sure she wasn’t hurt. “Are you here with anyone?” He then asked, looking around somewhat worriedly to see if anyone was coming over to see if she was alright, and probably tell him off for falling into her. However the only people coming over was the last ones he wanted to see. “Smooth move Casanova!” Mason said as he practically jumped onto Chase, putting him in a head lock, which Chase quickly pulled himself out of and then shoved the other boy playfully. “Get out of here!” He growled with another smirk. “Seriously. I’ll come find you in a little bit okay?” He then turned back to the girl and smiled apologetically with a shrug. “Sorry about that…” He paused, unsure of where to proceed from here. It was only really at that point that he realised he didn’t recognise her. His mind had been working to place the face, but he couldn’t recall seeing her before. She looked around his age, so they would have gone to the same school; there was only one in the whole town. So it led him to believe she was new to the area, either that or word of their party was spreading more than they realised and it was attracting out of towners. [i]Welcome to Port Byrne[/i] Chase couldn’t help but think morbidly. Formality dictated one should probably introduce themselves right now, but he wasn’t even sure if this meeting was going to last much longer. She’d leave and then they’d probably never interact with each other again. Which was a shame… she seemed like a nice girl.