[b]Vivian[/b] Vivian had used her last bullet to kill McCorpse; she kept the gun, of course, all she needed was some 9mm and she'd be set to use it again. And despite this, she wasn't worried. In her hand she carried a...street sign. Attached to a pole lighter than one that would keep it in the ground. She must have switched it out herself, and the layers of rope kept her art together. The street sign once said "WASHINGTON ST" but the edges have been sharpened, creating a post apocalyptic glaive for the young woman to use and only leaving "ashingto" readable--and barely. It was free of visible blood stains; she kept it clean. Then she stopped. A welding mask. [i]Creepy.[/i] Her hand had twitched at the sight of the man, instinct drawing it to the gun under her jacket--then it slowly dropped. Didn't want to spook the psycho. However, She had barely said hello when the crash of shattering glass filled the night air, and her gaze flickered to the runner just as he was upon her. Fear filled her eyes, but her body moved on instinct. She had been in real fights against living (but not for long) people--[i]supers[/i]--so a zombie? Albeit a fast one? Blood splattered on her clothes as he fell in two pieces before her, both her hands on her polearm. "Well [i]shit[/i]," she gasped, the fear fading and adrenaline kicking in only after the kill. "You can kill me after we handle these guys, m'kay?" It was only then her foreign accent was obvious, not that it warranted much concern. [hr] [b]Lillah[/b] [i]Just the generators my ass,[/i] Lillah thought, as she carefully navigated the fleshy barricades. She avoided staring, feeling goosebumps rise on her skin and her knuckles turn white as she gripped the shotgun. Still, her face remained stone, somber. She walked into the hospital, lowering her boots quietly as she did. The hospital was oddly quiet despite the lights being on as she explored. She peeked around corners before going down them, and she would occasionally slip behind a closed door to get an inventory on potential supplies. Most places were pretty much untouched or in need of a passcode or electric pass to get in. However she came upon a door only cracked open, its lock broken. Her perpetual scowl deepened and she slowly moved closer, peeking in...The room was of modest size...and empty. Nudging the door open further with her barrel, she found it was a place to keep various medications. Well, of course someone would break in [i]here[/i]. But who? She stopped in the middle of turning back, and her gaze scanned the shelves carefully. Whatever she was searching for wasn't there, and she rolled her eyes before leaving the room to continue her venture. With each room and hallway explored, it appeared this place was empty and she grew tired of having her guard up for nothing... So it lowered. And she turned a corner freely-- and saw a figure. A slow, lazy figure shuffling toward her. She jumped in surprise, gripping her gun with both hands again as she took aim. The [i]bang[/i] bounced off the walls, making it seem even louder than the shotgun already was as she shot at him.