[@Kidd](Lilah) For the past few weeks Tod had found himself following a peculiar pattern-having been stuck inside his own mental prison he would spend each day wandering the halls of Childrens Mercy Hospital looting and scavenging the vast number of fresh corpses from whatever zombie assault had occured the night before. Like moths to a flame each night the undead horde would come, the mindless killing machines unable to ignore the call that was the large well lit hospital amidst the blackened ruins of the city. Each night they would come, and each night he would fight them until there were none left. At this point he genuinely couldn't believe he was alive; it was some sort of sick cosmic joke-the hero that could only save himself. So, much like every other day, he had been wandering the halls of the gore covered hospital high as a kite off a handful of some unknown pills-whatever they were they sure made him feel loopy and, more importantly, slightly forget the events of the outbreak. Needless to say he was slightly caught off guard as a solid shotgun slug tore through the thick fabric of his crusty brown leather jacket and T shirt-the large softball sized hole exposing his muscular arm and shoulder blade beneath. Miraculously the direct hit seemed to leave him completely uninjured for the most part-the only sign of trauma being a large purplish bruise swelling up at the moment. It looked painful, but the honest truth was he had so much adrenaline and drugs coursing through his veins that he merely felt like he'd been flicked in the shoulder blade-a flick that had knocked him off of his feet and onto the dirty corpse strewn ground. Groaning he drug himself halfway off the ground-his hazy eyes locking with Lilahs from behind his tight dark red leather mask. "Nice shot." He comically quipped in a rather gruff and somewhat delirious voice while turning his gaze to the wound. He had to fight the urge to laugh-here he had been trying to die each night, and then this good Samaritan comes along and shoots him-only he just so happened to have activated his power two minutes prior, leaving him somewhat bulletproof. It looked like Gods sense of humour struck again.