Chara looked up at the large monster, defensive and uncertain. Why were these people going to so much trouble for the likes of them? Reluctantly, they let go of Asriel and took his dad's hand. Asgore beamed at them encouragingly, and led them through a hallway in the opposite direction that Toriel had gone, to a small room with two beds. They sat down on one of them. It was warm and soft; they felt that they could lay down there and never get up. [color=39b54a]"How are you feeling? What's your name?"[/color] Asriel's dad asked gently. Chara turned their face away from him, uncomfortable with his soft gaze. [color=ed1c24]"Fine,"[/color] they said sullenly. [color=ed1c24]"I'm Chara."[/color] Asriel's mom bustled in, carrying a plate of pie. [color=f26522]"You are not fine, small one. Who did this to you? You will get an apology."[/color] She then gave the pie to Chara. [color=f26522]"Please, eat this. It will help you."[/color] Chara looked hesitantly at the pie. They weren't supposed to take food from strangers - it could be drugged or poisoned. Nonetheless, they felt curiously inclined to do just as Asriel had said, and trust this odd family of monsters. Hesitantly, they took a bite of the pie. [url=]♫[/url] Warm butterscotch and sweet cinnamon exploded on their tongue - it was the best pie they'd ever tasted. Chara wolfed the slice down, then looked up guiltily, expecting to be reprimanded, but saw nothing except smiles on everyone's faces. They could feel all their injuries healing as they regained full health. They broke. [color=ed1c24]"I can't understand. Why are you being so nice to me?"[/color] they cried. Chara buried their face in the sleeves of their striped shirt, small sobbing noises starting to come from their throat involuntarily. Asgore shifted over to hug them, and Toriel knelt beside the bed to do the same. [color=f26522]"There, there, my child. You are safe now,"[/color] Toriel said soothingly, rubbing their back. Asgore added, [color=39b54a]"Everything is going to be alright."[/color]