Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to your new lives. The world is yours to change. [hr] Section 19 is a relatively recent idea that came out of random thoughts over what RP to finally make combined with finding out that another Deus Ex game is currently in production, spurring me to consider a cyberpunk themed RP. The world, one which I have yet to name, is for all intents and purposes an alternate Earth, even if the planet is not Earth itself. War has consumed a majority of the world's nations for near three years as of the starting point of the RP, a very brutal, tiring war, arising from arguments over territorial sovereignty, dwindling world resources, and the power complex of an unstable dictator, becoming a three-way war once a former megacorporation decided to join in the fun. Very much in a cyberpunk manner, you, the players, will be exposed to robots, powered armor, artificial intelligence, augmentations, and all manners of technology which are in development or pipe dreams in our modern world. However, it is very much a non-traditional style RP. Cyberpunk focuses in large part on the rebellious segments of society, those who oppose/resent some totalitarian government or corporation whose only goal is to make the world's population miserable. I intend to focus heavily on the "cyber" rather than "punk" part of the genre, however. You will take the role of government agents in the RPs namesake organization, Section 19, similar to an amalgamation of the CIA, FBI, Military Special Operations Forces, and Secret Service, created earlier in the world's timeline as a response to the growing threat presented by terrorism. Although not directly participating in the war, the operations you undertake have as much influence on the world as that of the militaries of the various nations in their sweeping engagements. Although there is no set plot which you will follow, there is an underlying threat of the rise of genetic augmentation, an untraceable, almost unnoticeable method by which groups with access to the technology can make secret super soldiers, making the world a much more dangerous place, and one of the underlying goals of your task force will be to stop these projects at their heart if they appear. Be warned that this RP will not be very traditional in terms of management. It will evolve and react much as the real world does, with your actions having rippling consequences that can and will affect future operations, dialogue, and interactions with people and the environment. Outside of managing my own member of the team, I will not be the GM, I will be akin to God. I can and probably will arbitrarily act upon your characters in some situations and you will abide by my decision in the end, because in the real world you don't have a say if someone comes out of an alley randomly and smashes into your car before you can react, nor do you have much of a choice if a bullet comes out of nowhere and hits you. That is not to say you cannot ask me, respectfully mind you, to rethink the decision, or that I will not take your character's current state of mind and health into take; I will never kill or permanently incapacitate one of your characters without your permission. You will not find this RP an easy adventure, and if you join it expecting to be so, then I sincerely thank you for the interest, but perhaps you should not join. I expect a higher level of writing ability from participants, meaning a well-lengthed paragraph or two at minimum per post. Posting I would like to happen once or twice a week, though if it must proceed more slowly or quickly than we can do so. Please make sure to notify me if you have issues with making a deadline. I hope you have enjoyed reading this blurb, and that the RP idea interests you! At the moment, I plan for the RP to have five players. Note that setting ideas are not finalized, so some aspects may change. Expect graphic content, although it may not be present depending on player actions. [hider=Character Sheet] [i]Name:[/i] [i]Age:[/i] [i]Gender:[/i] [i]Team Position:[/i] (To be determined when I get the RP set up) [i]Appearance:[/i] [i]Personality:[/i] (Picture optional, but written description is mandatory) [i]Equipment:[/i] (More on this in the actual RP, nothing fancy for now) [i]Skills:[/i] [i]Augmentations:[/i] (Subject to revision) [i]History:[/i] (Make these characters come alive. I don't expect very lengthy character sheets, but please develop them well)[/hider]