[@Mr Rage][@The Kraken][@Amelian Draco][@Kidd] Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know I'm happy to see the talkin in ooc/skype/pms. Lets keep up the trend talking to one another-thats the biggest advantage to havein a small group like this, we can colab/talk over small details along the way plus really get to know one anothers characters. So yeah guys, just feel free to throw up here whatevers on your mind rpwise in here-lookin forward to readin everyones posts. I think as far as the rp itself goes I will occasionally be steering characters/plot like I did in one of my recent posts-If anyone has a huge problem with this please feel free to say something-promise no one will jump down your throat or anything. I have honestly never rp'd with that "heavy of a hand" as gm, but a recent rp I was involved in that not only seemed to work rather well but in my opinion was somewhat funner-just something I wanted to try my hand at.