[b]The City of Coars[/b] (I looked through pictures of dystopian cities, but none of them are as breathtaking as the one you chose) [img=http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/192rgot8mdpwfjpg/ku-xlarge.jpg] [b]Culture[/b] "Work. Do as you're told. You are meant to benefit the city that raised you." Its what every child growing up in the city is taught in their standardized education system. "Culture is for savages who are not capable of higher intellect." In the city, you are meant for one of two things; Destroy, or Build. [b]Lifestyle[/b] Dreary at best. Life goes on in Coars, but does humanity go on? For the first 18 years of a child's life, they are sent to school and drilled with ideals and skills those who run the city wish for each generation to have. Only those with high ranking families become city officials or scientists. The other two main careers the city provides are simple; there are destroyers and builders. Running out of space for their ever growing city, destroyers are sent to discard of old pieces of the city in order to make new parts. Any citizen who doesn't pass the requirements for any other careers become destroyers, causing them to be seen as low lives. [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/bf89f87dcd22d9fd0363a84ba8218976/tumblr_ml7qpkAn7r1qmr4eao1_500.jpg] [center]Destroyers[/center] Builders are similar to Destroyers in the sense that they create new sections for the city. Unlike Destroyers however, Builders are put through rigurous tests and are respected. A Destoryer's only job is to tear things down, while Builders are sent to establish colonies for the cities. If a colony does not reform, Destroyers are sent in. Only the best Builders are promoted to "Knight" by the city officials. [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/8e/38/33/8e3833ea99e2a3a66de77b8da207c5f2.jpg] [center] Lower-Level Builders [/center] http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/cb/82/f6/cb82f6ca532ea874a43be410c431cd26.jpg [center]Knights[/center] Most of the animals in Coars have either died from the toxins in the air, moved on to less polluted areas of the world, or have simply evolved. [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Aa6E19bzcqU/SJzzWW8jqFI/AAAAAAAAAqo/P2YsLB2y7fs/s400/rat%2Bmonster%2B1.jpg] [center] The sewer rats in New York City are nothing compared to the mutant rats in Coars[/center] [img=http://www.juhanartwork.com/images/concept/character/mutant_dog.jpg] [img-http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&biw=1229&bih=706&tbm=isch&tbnid=CK2NfwuWG4qUzM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgreenducksupreme.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F09%2Fscary-cat-im-going-to-eat-you-raarrrrrr.html&docid=qf7UdhPWi__koM&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-eimkud496CI%2FTnKEG2OB9SI%2FAAAAAAAAAA0%2F8G6IIBEnyA8%2Fs320%2Fcat.jpg&w=296&h=259&ei=jr_cUpH4CorpkAeSsYDoDQ&zoom=1&ved=0CMoBEIQcMB0&iact=rc&dur=539&page=2&start=16&ndsp=21] [center] Don't pick up the strays. [/center] Name: Fiers Hoftram Age: 22 History: Fiers has lived in the city his whole life. Its a rather difficult place to escape if you're born there. Though he refused to accept certain ideals taught by the system, he did rather well in school and went on to become a builder right out of high school. Not only was it something he loved doing, but he was damn good at his job as well. Within a few years he was promoted to Knight by the city council. Convincing the City of Serji to become more developed is his first big job as Knight, and he hopes he does not dissapoint. Personality: Will be revealed throughout roleplay [img=http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/59/7b/80/597b80048ddefd8b4e92fba39dc87890.jpg] (With his Knight uniform)