[color=bc8dbf][b][h3]EPPIE JONES [sup]A Stabbing Pain[/sup][/h3][/b][/color][color=fdc68a][i]Fool...[/i][/color] Eppie soon realised that her attacks on a creature that was yet to be identified were perhaps a massive miscalculation. She felt a large mouth open below where her's was latched on and a sharp stabbing pain enter her gut and travel through her body. She wasn't fast enough though and if she realised what the creature was about to do she could have reorganised her organs as to minimise the damage, yet, luck played in her favour this once. The needle like tongue of the beast travelled through her gut and missed many of her vital organs before expelling itself from the rear of her body. Eppie felt a slight electrical charge with her her limbs and mouth return back into their normal state as she hung there on the barb before being tossed to the side like a toy that a toddler didn't want to play with anymore. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Ergh..."[/b][/color] she exhausted as she laid on the ground, watching the creature retreat into the floor cavities and venture off elsewhere. Carefully Eppie pushed herself up into a seating position against the wall behind her and turned to see the Fox Blade slash through the other half of the body, sending it into an explosion of gore. [color=fdc68a][i]Look at yourself. Pathetic. Weak. If you only listened to me, that could have been our kill.[/i][/color] [color=bc8dbf][b]"Maw... Shut up,"[/b][/color] she whispered, knowing that he was about to start yet another of his demoralising talks. [color=bc8dbf][b]"Eppie is not letting you take over this body."[/b][/color] Eppie heard the silence in her head, knowing that he understood her words, before placing her hand on her stomach. She could feel the warm sensation of blood flow out of her wound, enough to cause a little concern, but not enough to stop her desire for continuing on the hunt. For Eppie she was beginning to enjoy this new challenge.