[center][b]Reina Saotome || Namimori Highschool Rooftop[/b][/center] [I][color=lime]"You watch my back pfffft I'll be taking care of you like a child just call me mother goose"[/color][/I] The dark haired girl stared at the blond boy once more, but this time with a mocking smirk plastered on her face. Shaking her head, a pointing finger poked at the so called 'mother goose'. [color=9e0b0f]"Uh huh, sure. Could ya really take care of yourself with five 'good for nothin' thugs ready to beat you up?"[/color] Reina patted his shoulder as a 'nice try' gesture as she continued, [color=9e0b0f]"Yeah, didn't think so."[/color] Turning towards Yoshiaki, Reina returned the laughter with a chuckle of her own before responding with a grin, [color=9e0b0f]"Hah, same here. But ya know, even if I weren't in this mafia party thing, you can always count on me!"[/color] Rei treasured her bond between her friends, there would not be a moment of hesitation to spring into action if it involved the welfare of anyone she cared for. That was perhaps the reason why the tomboy would frequently get into trouble for not thinking before acting, especially in the days of her gang life. Rei was too busy focusing her attention towards Yoshiaki to notice the split of the group, not like she would've really minded, had she noticed. But what piqued her interest was when the boy uttered the word, 'race'. [color=9e0b0f]"Race, huh? Sounds pretty fun, count me i--[/color] Before she had the chance to finish her statement, Yoshiaki dashed towards the door, followed by Hisaki who was criticizing the idea but a moment ago. With a pout upon her features, Rei started to sprint along with Sanji, agreeing with his comment, [color=9e0b0f]"Yeah! That was such a cheap start, Yoshi!! "[/color] Unfortunately for the female teen, she wasn't much of a speedy type despite having the strength of an angry bull. So to catch up to the two boys ahead of them, she had to use her own means to do so. At the start of the staircase, Rei kicked herself off the ground, leapt into the air, and landed halfway of the staircase with a loud thud of her feet. If she had no speed, might as well use her asset to win this silly race.