This time it was Chase’s turn to raise a quizzical eyebrow. He had been right about the recently moved thing, he hadn't excepted so recently, but that was kind of overshadowed by the almost casual mention of being robbed. “We’re the ones who organise it.” He said rather softly, since it was still this big, unintentional secret and all. “Well… us and a couple of other guys who grew up around here. But Port Byrne is kind of a small town, very quiet and there isn’t a whole lot to. This party is pretty much the only real event for just people around our age to have fun and meet people. It goes way back to the times when the town was first founded. By ‘The Party’ I’m assuming your friend meant this was literally the only major party all year. Really other than that we have a bunch of surfing days, some camping trips, hiking, all that kind of fun stuff you do when internet connection is… sucky at best. But that’s a much less public thing, just friends. So it’s kind of make your own fun here.” Chase said, though honestly he preferred it that way. A lot of the small amount of tourists they get around here seemed lost without their phones and internet. “You’re welcome to join us if you’d like?” What? Chase’s attention turned fully to Mason, who seemed to just have invited her along to… something. He’d kind of come out of left field there. “You’re new to the area, what better way to welcome you than a surf lesson from some of the best?” Chase rolled his eyes and prepared himself for Mason’s bragging. Luckily Ryan chose this moment to return, dragging a younger boy behind him who bore such a resemblance that they could only be siblings. “Sorry guys, I gotta jet. I’ll see you tomorrow though.” He said in a low, grumbling tone as he glared at the younger boy as they both disappeared back into the party. Chase and Mason glanced at each other before laughing loudly. “That’s Ryan’s younger brother, Seth.” Chase explained eventually. “Since this is technically public property I guess he’s legally allowed to be here but there’s kind of an unwritten rule that we don’t invite people underage because of the alcohol…” “It’s not like we all didn’t sneak in when we were younger.” Mason interjected. “Ryan just doesn’t want Seth here because he doesn’t want to play babysitter.” Chase shrugged slightly. “Maybe… he could also just be worried he might get into trouble. I mean if Ash was here I know I wouldn’t be able to have a good time. I’d be too worried about her.” He said, deciding to let the invitation situation drop for now. “Ash is eleven!” Mason replied back loudly. “Seth is seventeen; he’s more than capable than taking care of himself. Besides, no one would ever mess with one of us.” That statement caused Chase to make a small face of disapproval. He didn’t want Carys thinking they were the dangerous sort… or thugs or something like that, but that was how it came across from that statement.