[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cf/ce/b4/cfceb4ad3c4e89d32e46be787e17725a.jpg[/img] [b][u]Charlie Valentine[/u][/b] [color=00aeef]Age:[/color] 23 [color=00aeef]Desired position:[/color] First Mate [color=00aeef] Skills:[/color][i] Sniper, Natural Leader, Persuasion, Standard combat training, Gun technician [/i] [color=00aeef]Non-standard abilities/modifications: [/color] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5CCJGUk0Ol5K9SRiXxANBtffgK5qMXj6IvjA8I7b8bXDolhzwpg[/img] [u][b]Titanus Tech Eye Enhancement[/b][/u] Charlie has a cybernetic right eye, allowing him to see far distances and greatly improve his aim with scoped weapons. It it equipped with mid level detection technology, letting him see uncloaked heat signatures and calculate exact distances within eye sight. [color=00aeef]Personality:[/color] [i]"I'm the best shot in the whole galaxy!"[/i] Charlie is an extrovert, with skills in smooth talking and seduction. He's quite good with the ladies, but tends to run his mouth a little too much when around the opposite gender. He loves money and rarely does anything unless it's involved, He sees the war as an opportunity for profit. Although once you buy his support nothing can make him turn traitor on you, being a firm believer in honesty in business. He dislikes it when people think of themselves as greater than himself, especially when they actually are. He'd love to be a captain of his own ship, but he can't pilot and doesn't own one. He's not too good with numbers but can understand battle tactics and how machines work. [color=00aeef]Biography:[/color] Charlie never went to university , he didn't really function in an environment with numbers and calculations. He was a hands on kinda guy, so he graduated high school with low marks and few career options. He bumped around between jobs in construction, bar tending, even busing tables in a restaurant. But he didn't like any of those jobs, they didn't suit him. One thing did call out to him though, the military. He could shoot stuff all day and wear a cool uniform. The local recruiter for the UN Armed Forces was happy to take him, being a strong young man with an excellent natural aim. He served for three years and ascended to the position of combat sniper, with over fifty confirmed kills. He was good at his job, save for the time he caught a bullet with his face. Luckily it was a low caliber pistol and he survived, but his right eye was completely destroyed. He was hospitalized for two weeks, sitting through failed ocular reconstructions. An implant was placed in his right eye socket, paid for by the UN Military insurance. How did he repay them? By illegally leaving his position and abandoning the army. When he was informed war was on the way and that he would be called into battle with such a low salary, he decided to desert his position. He went into hiding on Earth for a small time, before hitching a ride to Mars on a space ferry. Which cleared him out completely, he found himself on a foreign planet with no money and only the skills of a soldier to keep him above water. The only profession available to him was mercenary work, not that he minded that though; Charlie loved to shoot stuff. With the upcoming war pirate crews were being put together to operate as hired guns and to pick up the scraps of battle. He was quickly picked up by one such crew, especially due to his knowledge of enemy battle tactics and military skill. [color=00aeef]Why do you want to join?[/color] Charlie is simply in this for the money, and the fact that he enjoys putting people out of commission via the scope of a high caliber rifle. [color=00aeef]Equipment:[/color] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/combatarms/images/a/ae/Main_L96A1_Ghillie.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100914230409[/img] [u][b]"UN Forces Advanced Modification 50.Cal Sighted Rifle"[/b][/u] This beauty of a machine is Charlie's best friend in the whole galaxy, he's modified the sight to specifically cooperate with his eye. It can make advanced shot calculations for him and map the bullet path right inside of his eye, making it a truly deadly weapon in his hands. A certain way to get on his bad side is to touch this gun. [/center]