[quote=@Dedonus] If we take it from FacePunch's post that the riots he mention are the riots that were caused by the Cowl (I don't know what other riots he would be mentioning), then we are on the same page. Remember back when the riots were happening and people decided to do that 2-day time skip (and where we basically had two timelines, those still at the riots and those who did the 2-day time skip). When everyone got back onto the same timeline (the 2-day time skip after the riots), Icon, Thunderbolt, and Boom took on Umbraxis. In [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3217460]this[/url] post by NMS, he established that a few days had past since the confrontation with Umbraxis. Therefore, the assassination attempt should not be more than a week old, assuming that the riots that FacePunch mentioned in his reply is the riots caused by the Cowl. [/quote] Well, technically, Tearstone, Hero and I are still on that timeline. With any luck, we can easily move past it tomorrow and into the present since the trip at the CDC will take a while. I assume at least a week at most to make sure Rach isn't contagious or worse. Which, I'll contact [@Nitemare Shape] when we get to that point. It should open up a nice post for a visit in the CDC quarantine room or whatever.