[b]September 17’th, 2016[/b]. The fourth face had taken wine-red suit with black bowler and turquoise ribbon to complete the set. Like anyone at the meeting could have guessed, he had taken quite an interest to the case and promises this Mr. X had given them. He pitied those that wouldn’t show up. Idiots, too weak for the brave new age. He himself had the most tingling feeling from the very moment he had opened the envelope. His employer had information, plans and means to fulfill the plan with the power increasing. Michael kept the magnetic clip close by and rubbed it every now and then with his thumb. Michael was walking in the West Ashley. Quiet place and fabulous in the night. Michael had read the envelope few times and thought about plans himself. He knew he had some pieces in a puzzle to make war between Lenore and Maike with the plan given, but there few more pieces he needed. Pieces he hoped to find this night in 12 Paludis Drive. Franklin Maccellan had made a call to him before he had left. A man had turned out to be a snitch, making deal with police for protection. Fourth Face was ordered to do whatever it took to find the man and make an example out of him; it had been long since their people were reminded that their little family didn’t like betrayal. Nor police. Michael had sent Jack and Joe to snoop around the usual places. He’d love to have few more brighter ones under his command but that would have made Michael targeted by his superiors. A sad role for Michael in the play, never to get the lead roles… Which is another reason why he hadn’t torn the envelope nor took down Mr. X’s offer. [b]12 Paludis Drive[/b]. Michael looked at the note on the door, and if his heart would have been bigger he might have shed a tear. But he didn’t, so he merely made half a smile, shrugged and opened the door. He eyed upon the keys laid on a table behind the front door. He pointed to every single one to count the keys and look upon names in each. He found his own, put his index finger on the label and pulled the key slowly towards him. He made a final look upon the keys before grabbing his own and investigating what the safe house held inside. And who were inside? He made a look to his right. Peter Reed was there. Michael had enjoyed the fact that there was a kitchen and a living room with a bar, but the one inspecting the bottles was far from a barkeeper. Michael hoped that he could make it to the left without Peter noticing... He did, or Peter just didn't care. Either way, he found himself in the corridor. Three doors on the right side. He opened the first door and found a bathroom... With a mirror. He quickly backed out and slammed the door shut, trying to relax his panicked breath. It took him good thirty seconds.