Silence came from the tavern now. The sounds of chaotic struggles, shouts and swords clashes seemed to fall into utter quiet that had now edged to the forest beyond. As if signaled to all those around the battle had ended. Curiosity, subtle at first, had filled a young half elf hidden behind a stout, gnarled maple tree and forced her hooded head to turn. Her clothing fit tightly to her figure, outlined it to a lithe, female appearance. The cloak, worn and weathered by the wilderness, draped over her face and hid most of her face from sight. Small wisps of her long red hair both flowed loosely and bound in a long braid, the later wrapped about her neck like a decorated choke. A gloved hand slipped under the ribbons and lifted. Underneath came a pair of feminine green eyes that darted towards the tavern direction. Still nothing, she frowned. Impatient, her crouched body crept farther around the thick trunk only to immediately stop in her tracks. The door to the tavern had been pushed open. She stayed still, her body barely breathed, as she watched the cloaked man she had been originally stalking appear in the doorway. Over each of his shoulders were bodies. Two rough, grimy bandits hung limp in the man’s efforts, his boots clipped steadily towards her direction. Every muscle tensed to see him approach closer and closer. Her form thankfully hidden by darkness- at least she hoped- or he would’ve seen her. She had decided to follow him the moment she spotted him heading along the woodland road, the endless forest and road so worn she couldn’t find her way around. It didn’t help she had no sense of direction to really speak of. Her brown stallion with a black back settled a small distance away, his nose gave a soft snort and bent down to graze some. Velvet lips reached for tender grass, slowly chewed while the ears flipped around, forward and back in search for predators. His rich body blended well in the dapple forest shadows much to the girl’s relief. Slowly, she pushed back when she heard the bodies unceremoniously plopped onto the ground. Their figures casted away like sacks of flour, limps just poised wherever they fell and landed at his feet. The woman felt the hairs on her neck nape rise at the golden eyes spying on her as black and sharp talons dug into the overhead branch tensely. She knew the owner was a snow white owl, black barred design break along the mono colored feathers, more comfortable when his swiveled his head back to the figure. The first man was shortly joined by another that seemed to walk with caution, either light on his feet or afraid he would break. It was a elf with long, white hair and thin appearance who had approached the masked one. Contrast to the masked man’s road traveling gear, this one wore mage robes keep unnaturally clean in her opinion. He spoke gently to the first man but she couldn’t tell what was being said. Not that it mattered because another movement had caught her attention, her face slightly more hidden by the trunk’s presence now. The large and slightly black striped dog, a massive beast, had emerged from the doorway. The animal slide into the open air and perked up his ears and his head turned towards where the girl was, cocked a bit in debate. Then with large, goofy strides it started to sniff at the ground and ambled forward. He seemed to seek something, his path drawn right for her! Her teeth bite her lips, gently scraped the bottom, while her lungs seemed to seize in her through the pitter-patter heart. Closer the dog wandered. [i]Oh, no… No, go back, please don’t…not this way.[/i] she couldn’t help but beg silently. Something seemed to swell in her chest. Weak at first then stronger and stronger it became the more the gap between the dog and her shrink. She closed her eyes in hopes he wouldn’t find her. Several moments passed. Time seemed uncertain for her as her eyes dared to peek, one then the other opened to see a sight she hadn’t expected: the dog’s panting face just inches from her own! His long tail whipped back and forth in excitement at discovering her. She had no choice and it hurt too much to think about it. Her hand reached to her belt, the fingers skimmed across her knife… “PUPPY!!!!” Angel shouted, her loud and gleeful sound seemed to echo off the very forest itself. This was soon followed by happy tail thumps.