[@DJAtomika] [i]Gonad had seen the basics so many times. He knew all the options of an opponent limited to a single effective weapon in close combat. Sometimes he had to think in a fight, but only once in a blue moon. Right now he was on automatic, wondering where his pot of food had gone. Gonad's forearms were guarded by those bracers. When it met the shield, there would be no smack of flesh. When the King tried to twist his body to deflect the force, he'd find the might of the barbarian's grip not only preventing this, but outright jerking his shield in the opposite direction. Were he still to thrust with his blade, then with a quick sway the spare fist of Gonad would have tipped past his own chin, putting his left bracer in the perfect position to then swing outwards and direct the stab off to Galliard's right. As this occurred Gonad would take another step forwards, aiming to plant his left boot directly atop the King's right whilst trying to peel his shield away. They would be virtually face to face if this happened.[/i]