[b]Province 69[/b] The Senate, where all decisions concerning the Republic are made. And today, a decision shall be made which will either lead them to victory, or defeat. To try and form an alliance with the surrounding island nations to fight against the approaching horde, or to stand on our own and hope that they pass us by. A fat, loud mouthed Senator was currently speaking, voicing his concerns and beliefs, "that by forming an alliance, we become a target for these creatures by becoming large and strong enough to oppose them." A larger amount of Senators started booing him, while others shouted "Let him speak! Let him speak!" He cleared his throat and continued in a louder voice, "If we stand on our own, they may just pass us by. I therefore move that we ignore all outsiders and keep to ourselves." He then left the floor and took his seat. Another man took his place, a tall, thin Orc in favour of an alliance. "The only thing these invaders will understand is strength. On our own, we are strong, but if we join together, we have a greater chance of beating back these foul creatures and defending our homes." The hall erupted in applause as he took his seat. The Chancellors looked at each other and nodded. They stood up and spoke in unison, "Silenece in the hall. We shall take a vote." The room became dead quiet. The human chancellor stepped forward, "Those in favour of an alliance, raise your right hand, those against, raise your left." Arms went up into the air, and when the counting was done, the vote was in favour of an alliance. The word spread quickly and the military started mobilising. A letter was sent to the neighbouring islands, asking them to join an alliance against the invaders. Whether or not they will agree, only time will tell. [b]Garrison[/b] [hider] [b]Province 68[/b] -6 Light Infantry Units -10 Heavy Infantry Units -10 Heavy Cavalry Units -10 Arquebusier Units -10 Artillery Units -20 Ship Units -30 Fast Derigible Units [b]Province 69[/b] -7 Light Infantry Units -20 Heavy Infantry Units -15 Heavy Cavalry Units -20 Arquebusier Units -15 Artillery Units -20 Ship Units -35 Fast Derigible Units [b]Province 70[/b] -7 Light Infantry Units -20 Heavy Infantry Units -15 Heavy Cavalry Units -20 Arquebusier Units -15 Artillery Units -20 Ship Units -35 Fast Derigible Units [/hider] [b]Receuitment[/b] [hider] [b]Province 68[/b] -2 Ship Units -1 Artillery Unit [b]Province 69[/b] -2 Ship Units -1 Artillery Unit [b]Province 70[/b] -2 Ship Units -1 Artillery Unit [/hider] [b]Actions[/b] [hider] -Envoy sent to the Confederacy of Sawl -Envoy sent to the Pankra Nation [/hider]