Yes. Here's a little backstory. The Syndicate is nationwide at the moment, but this particular group was assigned to Regalia in order to maintain control so the main branch could expand elsewhere. These characters have been together in the city for a few years now. They might not all be close friends, but they know each other well enough. Some may be closer than others, but I'll let you guys work intimate histories if that's what you want to do. However, it is indeed assumed that they know of each other at the very least. Their life is luxurious for sure, but they also have had to do work every now and then. Hope that helps a bit. The RP opens at a time when work calls once more before spiraling into something far bigger. The thing is, we just have to get there haha. This beginning phase with the drugs is just an intro into the main plot. As slow as we're moving there, we're almost to the pivotal scene that, you could say, kicks things into high gear.