Amelia followed behind Scarlet with as many bowls and spoons as she could. Some were wooden while others were metal. It seemed that in this patchwork world of piracy there was some kind of insane order. Scarlet beckoned the crew for a late night meal, those who were still awake came. Amelia was put in charge of bringing food to those who had been ordered by Daniel not to move too much. If they were still awake when she came to them they got their well earned meal. It was one stark difference that she had found being upon a pirate ship; despite common misconception, pirates were not lazy. At least, not the ones she had encountered thus far. ~~~ [b]"Tis been a long day."[/b] Daniel said, trying to blow off the comment that he himself needed to be looked at. [b]"Th' others ha' been looked after. Ye were th' ones I could no' find."[/b] He said with grin. [b]"I ha' enough o' a mind t' look a' yer knee, Iris. May not be nothin' I can do an' if I can i' may not be bes' t' start t'night."[/b] Daniel explained. One last person to look at and off to bed he would go. He motioned for her to get up on the table that was set up for him to examine people. All Iris had to do was trust him and sit on the end of it.