[center][color=cf5300]Sona Penetierre[/color][/center] [center][color=cf5300]Location:[/color] The tavern[/center] [center][color=cf5300]Interacting with:[/color] everyone located in the Tavern[/center] Sona’s smile slowly faded slowly as she went into deep thought, she didn’t hear what anyone else said or thought for the time being. Her thoughts drifted off to the most obvious thing that could destroy her entire life this second… Her brother. Her and her brother… didn’t have the best relationship around. The man had always wanted to kill her no matter what, and even though Sona may be safe now with these people, there would be no telling when her brother was gonna pop up from outta nowhere and do the deed of killing her. She knows something will happen in his favour some time soon… And she couldn’t let that happen what so ever. The bard slowly snapped out of it to see the others listening to yet another man… So he was giving the others an offer of some sort, but she wasn’t ready to speak about the matter yet. She wanted to see what the others would say about this, if the others wanted to go; then she will tag along, she sure as hell didn’t want to go alone when she would be at her most vulnerable, considering it was dangerous enough to travel around every where else solo; it reminded herself that she would be much safer with company. Sona slowly looked to Sundos and Lob to see what their thoughts were about it, since them two were the first ones she personally met, even if it was rather rude as to how she encountered the duo in the first place.