[center][h1][u][i]American Dream: Shattered Union[/i][/u][/h1] United We Stand, Divided We Fall [img]https://www.colourbox.com/preview/1980926-american-flag-background.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [i][color=9e0b0f]"My country tis of thee,[/color] Lost land in anarchy, [color=0054a6]Of thee I weep.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Land where our fathers died,[/color] Land of our fallen pride. [color=0054a6]From every sea side,[/color] [color=9e0b0f]Oh save us please."[/color][/i] [hr][hr] [center][h2]IC[/h2][/center] No one really knows how it all started, but humanity finally destroyed itself. Every day new tales of horror and war while every night people prayed to see the daylight once more. The endless cycles of war, destruction, poverty had finally took its toil on people around the work as they protested and revolted against their governments. Soon, there was no nations left standing, nothing that what could have been called a proper nation anyways. Europe was reduced to fractured kingdoms, Russia had been lost to the snow, Africa was scared by a myriad of warlords while various dynasties and leaders rose in China all claiming to be the true inheritors of the land. As for America, the once great nation had closed its doors for the first time in over 200 years. But like all other great nations, she too fell. The collapse sparked hundreds of new entities, fighting for power in the new vacuum left by the fallen government. No more was there a union of states and people, the American dream had died with its 47th and last president and with it left a wasteland. However, man is not alone on this world anymore. With the infinite number of WMDs that had been dropped, the world has changed. New monsters called Grimm now roam the landscape, hellbent on exacting vengeance upon mankind for its greatest sin against nature. But then there are those changed by the mutations, those who exhibit inhuman or superhuman traits from everyone else. Known by many different names, polite and derogatory, the umbrella term for them is Evols. However, these Evols are almost universally looked at with horror or distain as they can turn into suddenly feral beasts or look too different for most to feel comfortable around them; some of the more superstitious folk say that they are the root of all evil and must be purged to reform America. Now, in a world in ruins and a dream of a nation reformed, factions from coast to coast look into the sky and set out on the journey to reunited a shattered union. [/center] [hr][hr] [center][h2]OOC[/h2][/center] Welcome to Shattered Union, an NRP set in a post apocalyptic America where the idea of government barely exists on what we'd call a state level today. The world has gone through a massively destructive war in an attempt to seemingly drive humanity to extinction; nukes, biochemicals, fire, everything man has created up to this point was used. America, like so many other former nations, had isolated itself and is now fractured, splintered and unrecognizable. Warlords, monarchs, presidents, and chiefs now rule from east to west, creating new factions, nations and tribes in their own image and interpretations of America. One major point I would like to make is that this will most likely be a rather dark NRP; there are no demons but no one is a saint. Everyone in the wasteland follows some perverted, bastardized version of American ideals, some more zealously than others. Remember, there is no light which casts no shadow. However, that does not mean there cannot be lighthearted nations or events, you can have post apoc cowboys or revolutionary-era militaries but just keep them somewhat serious. The best way to describe this would be like Madoka Magika; looks harmless but can get dark real quick. [hider=Besitary] [b]Yeti[/b] [indent]Great beasts that occupy the high and cold mountains of both the Rockys and the Appalachians though more common in the former. Its suspected that they are some hyper mutated bear despite other mutated bears not sharing too many traits with a Yeti. Living exclusively in cold climates, its natural ability of retain heat also means it is weak to flame-based weaponry which is cited as the best way of killing such a beast. However, while Yetis are extremely territorial, they do not venture out into the wastes.[/indent] [b]Primals[/b] [indent]Thought to be mutated apes and monkeys, Primals are an umbrella term for primates who have mutated and taken residence in the concrete jungles of old cities. Larger Primals are called Primal Magnus while the smaller ones are Primal Minus. Highly adept at vertical combat, extreme caution is advised against them as packs of Primals can easily pick apart units with Minuses doing hit-and-run styled attacks and the Magnuses fighting in an all out ferocious brawl.[/indent] [b]Ironfurs[/b] [indent]Mutated bears of the old world, now only twenty times tougher. While their fur color may be close to what they used to be, their hides are now much harder and durable, giving them the name of Ironfurs. Some have even used them to make crude armors. Most effective way to kill them is to some how immobilize them and then get close range shots.[/indent] [/hider] [sub]Inspirations from: Fallout, 40k, Mad Max, 1984, The Purge, Bloodborne, Valkyria Tales, X-Men, Vic2, EU4, Wolfenstien, etc.[/sub] [hr][hr] [center][h2]RULES[/h2][/center] [list][*]Standard Guild rules [*]Keep arguing, bitching and dramatics to PM lest you want me to shove my fist into your ass [*]Special point about politics; try to keep irl politics out of this. With a setting like this, its going to get messy if people start yelling about politics [*]My word as GM is law and my decisions are final. This also extends to the [s]poor sods[/s] people I choose as co-GMs [*]Be balanced and creative! Seriously this is one of my pet peeves when someone half asses an NS and makes an OP faction or gives me carbon copied bland [*]Shit's going to be grimdark but it has limits. Yes there are going to be things considered somewhat taboo but make sure you keep a lid on it before it gets to out of control. I don't mind violence or cursing but if your faction has some more... [i]discriminatory traits[/i], DO NOT over do it. It will get messy for all people involved. (If you somehow get something sexual going guild rules force me to say keep it to PMs. Damn >_>) [*]Try your best to not leave as much WIP parts as you can. Everyone knows that it rarely gets done. [*]There is no "true victory". Even if you conquer everyone else, you will fall to the same trap that the original US government did, you need external allies to help you and reform the US and its states. Remember, united we stand divided we fall. (tl;dr this will be more story-based and you cannot win by yourself). [*]Even if IC posts slow down, at least stick around in the OOC. I don't really mind if it gets off topic either. [*]Writing level will be at about high casual aka advanced but even if you have a single paragraph post, that's still good as long as its good. [*]Please use tinypic to post claims and maps, my computer disagrees with imgur and some other sites :\ [*]Have fun! No, seriously do have fun. Why else do you RP if you don't have fun with it? :3[/list] [hr][hr] [center][h2]NATION SHEET[/h2][/center] [sub](Fill this out at your own leasure or as you need it. Just remember to fill something out in the NS if you're going to mention it IC like going on the warpath but lacking any military info on the NS.)[/sub] [hider=My Hider] Name: Self explanatory Flag: Ditto Nation Type: What are you? Kingdom, republic, tribe, etc. Claims: Where do you inhabit? Map down below to mark Terrain: What is the climate of the place you now live in. With all the WMDs that were chucked around, its possible that the climate can be thrown off, but don't just turn Texas into a winter wonderland. Government Type: How is your nation run? Capital: What's the name of your capital city and where is it? Head of State: Who leads your nation? What party do they hail from and what's their ideology and personality? Other Important People: Religious leaders, famous generals, well known figures Population: How many people do you have? Remember to keep this balanced Attitude Towards Evols: Self explanatory. Keep in mind that other nations will be less likely to be friendly if you have too much of a friendly attitude and that most citizens will not favorable view them either. Economic System: How is the economy run? Resources: What kinds of stuff does your nation produce? Currency: What do you use to barter with or do you just plain barter? Technology: How advanced/industrialized are you. Again, keep it balanced. Official Religion: Do you use an old world religion (ie Mormonism, Baptism, Catholicism... Scientology...) or do you follow some new gods and cults? Religious Information: Describe your new religion or how you've changed the old ones if at all. History: How did your nation start? Keep it simple so I'd say 3 paragraphs at max more or less. I don't care if you make it longer than that but I might just start skipping over bits and pieces :lol Culture: Some notable cultural traits of your people. Military Numbers: How big is your army? Remember, keep it proportional and balanced Military Units: What kind of units serve in your military? I personally have more of a focus on this than numbers. [/hider] [center][h2]CLAIMS MAP[/h2] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/1znv407.png[/IMG] [sub](If anyone can produce a better version of a map like this, I would be thankful) (Also no Hawaii or Alaska plz)[/sub] [/center]