I like the WH40K setting, despite the errant plot holes that tend to be present in it. I also like RP writing, and would claim that I'm pretty good at it. With that in mind, if I decide to play as a Chaos Space Marine- I may not, I'm still debating that with myself- would "lowest of the low" denote a Marine in a generic Chaos chapter, or could I play in a chapter with a specific Chaos God as a focus? EDIT: Oh, actually, I do have a good idea for a CSM character. Might I be allowed to play as a [url=http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Fallen_Angels]Fallen Angel[/url] who's only been released back into realspace quite recently prior to the events of the game? I can go into further detail in PMs if you want, [@Jbcool].