[b]Autumn of the Year 2718[/b] As the nights draw in, and the cold wind once more begins to whistle across Alria, great changes come to the land. The Darkness grows even stronger, pushing the nations that face them to the brink of destruction. New nations rise from the ashes of the old, but whether these civilizations will ever survive is a question that none can answer as the Shadow pushes yet further into Alria. Still recovering from the bloody war raged in the recent months, [b]New Engelica[/b] rebuilds it's armies in preparation for the inevitable coming conflict as the Darkness continues to move silently towards them through the waters to the north. New magics are discovered as the proud nation of Magi braces itself. United by the new steel tracks that criss-cross the nation, [b]Tushienia[/b] pour their newly returned armies into holding back the Darkness to the East, bolstering the defenses of their own Province as well as that of their allies. Foul nightmares drag themselves from the shadows to the east and hurl themselves against the defenders, and yet they stand strong. For now. The [b]Broken Empire[/b] allows itself to rest, it's armies, still fresh from crushing Limgar, embarks from the trains of the Empire and masses at the borders of the Lagosami Tribes, or rather what was the tribes. For the Tribes, broken by their defeats at the hands of Bripiak, the Broken Empire, the Kingdom of Zakol and the Darkness itself, can no longer remain united. Facing the Darkness for the first time, the [b]Kingdom of Zakol's[/b] navy is hit hard by nightmares from the depths. Even as they must continue to fight on the water, to their south, the Lagosami Tribes split in two, weakening them even further as the sickness of the Darkness continues to push across Alria. Shown the true danger of the Shadow for the first time, the [b]Republic of Andinon[/b] loses it's grip on it's southernmost province, and it takes an overwhelming force of Magi that drives the Darkness back from their land. The very ground seems to be sickened by the Shadow, and the Republic has learnt not to underestimate the threat in the east. [b]Pankra[/b] realizing the true threat, coming from the depths to the west, brace themselves for the oncoming Darkness that will no doubt crash against the nation's defenses come the winter. The [b]Confederacy of Sawl[/b] falls silent even as the Shadow closes in on them. Rising from the ashes of Kebriw, the [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b] sends messengers to their neighbors, no doubt bracing itself for the coming threat. [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/8e00/f/2016/025/a/1/map_by_romerorp-d9paqd7.png[/img] [b][u]MAP KEY[/u][/b] [hider] [u][b]Provinces 1-24[/b][/u] [hider]Province 1 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 2 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 3 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 4 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 5 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 6 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 7 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 8 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 9 - [b]Duringis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 10 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 11 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 12 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 13 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 14 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 15 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 16 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 17 - [b]Tushienia[/b][i](Bright_Ops)[/i] Province 18 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 19 - [b]Republic of Andinon[/b][i](Eklipse)[/i] Province 20 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 21 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 22 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 23 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 24 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 25-61[/u][/b] [hider]Province 25 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 26 - [b]Iparis[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 27 - [b]Kingdom of Zakol[/b][i](BlackRose)[/i] Province 28 - [b]Krognar Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 29 - [b]Krognar Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 30 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 31 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 32 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 33 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 34 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 35 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 36 - [b]Dolarti Tribe[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 37 - [color=red][b][i]Lost to the Darkness[/i][/b][/color] Province 38 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 39 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 40 - [b]Lagosami Tribes[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 41 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 42 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 43 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 44 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 45 - [b]Bripiak[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 46 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 47 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 48 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 49 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 50 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 51 - [b]The Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i] Province 52 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 53 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 54 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 55 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 56 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 57 - [b]Orngat[/b][i](NPC)[/i] Province 58 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 59 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 60 - [b]New Engelica[/b][i](Legion02)[/i] Province 61 - [b]Broken Empire[/b][i](ForKhorne)[/i][/hider] [b][u]Provinces 62-70[/u][/b] [hider]Province 62 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 63 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 64 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 65 - [b]Pankra[/b][i](Mardox)[/i] Province 66 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 67 - [b]The Confederacy of Sawl[/b][i](Lauder)[/i] Province 68 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 69 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i] Province 70 - [b]Republic of Outcasts[/b][i](Catchphrase)[/i][/hider][/hider]