Alright first round of reviews has been done. So far everything is looking dandy. To reiterate what I said in the interest check, this is not a first come first serve kind of roleplay, we are open as long as you provided me with an interesting character that I feel would add something to the world. So nobody has to feel the need to rush out a Character Sheet, I want to see your best not something you shat out all quick and dirty like. That being said off to the reviews! [@DontCallMeZelda] We already hashed out most of the details through the PMs that you sent me, but I was interested to see where the concept headed. And after examination and review on my part everything seems to be in marching order. That beings side you are missing one part of the Character Sheet. The Physical description. While a picture can be used to supplement the description, I would prefer a written description as well none the less, I feel it helps paint a more lively picture your head and can help you cover some details that a picture wouldn't cover. Doesn't have to be anything major maybe just a paragraph or two describing them and what they usually are wearing in terms of clothing et cetra. If you need reference refer to Lyssa's sheet in the GM tab. (The only reason my NPC sheets will avoid this rule is just because I'm going to be cranking out a lot of them over time and not having to write the description helps ellivate the time crunch needed.) Probably should've stated that somewhere but besides that once that is added everything looks ship shape to me. [@Littlefinger] He's so young and innocent! I can't wait to see his native crushed by the cruel, cruel world. xD Though to be honest with you I really like the character concept so far. It'll be interesting to see how he mixes with some of the more serious members of the Company especially since he is more a welp at this point rather than a wolf. That being said, you also have the same problem as your comparative above, I also need a written description from you as well. It's just a me a thing really but it would make everything just a little bit more perfect. [b]Oh and a message out to everybody.[/b] Pretty looking character sheets go a long way with me. I don't know I just like being able to see all the information splayed out in front of me all nice like. This means put it in a hider and to avoid putting too many hiders inside of your hiders if you need to like an image like a character image reference to supplement your description or a picture of a weapon or something rather than putting a hider with the image inside of it. If I could ever so kindly suggest that you rather like I did in my CSs instead use the [noparse][url=Example URL goes here] Words go in here that you want to be able to click to go to image [/url][/noparse] method of linking them instead of putting the picture in. [url=]Thanks![/url]