[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/87/80/fb87808c12f4fa998a4a0484be9ec178.jpg[/img][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Taluin Filvendor [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 270s [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Rogue [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Elf [u][b]Physical Description:[/b][/u] Tal's build and body are quite the norm for his race; he is tall and lithe with angular features. Dark brown hair falls to his shoulders in loose locks, and honey colored eyes poke out from underneath his bangs. Alabastor skin covers his toned body, marred only by the occasional scar, such as the one that reaches from his right chin to cheek. He dresses in either his armor or simple clothing, and is almost always carrying his weapons and pack. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] -[url=http://greywolf.critter.net/images/ad&d/clipart/armor-studded-leather.jpg]Leather armor[/url] -[url=http://casiberia.com/img/prod/sh2394.jpg]Simple Longsword w/ Sheathe[/url] -Dirk w/ Sheathe (pictured in appearance reference)[hider=-Backpack] -Rations -Waterskin -Bedroll -Sharpening stone, cloth, and oil -Skinning knife -Cooking pot -Extra small clothes/ x1 Set of simple clothing -Limited personal First Aid supplies[/hider] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] A stern individual, Tal is not known for his warmth or compassion. He is a very reserved man, as having spent much of his time both for hire and on the road has prevented him from forming really long lasting connections. Intelligent, discerning, and prescriptive, Tal is adept at reading a situation and acting accordingly. Generally, he is mild mannered and cautious, but he is approachable, as those traits don't make him less inclined to pleasant conversation than others. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Taluin's early memories are of an orphanage deep inside the City of Spires, Dary. Tal was a curious child who often went exploring outside. Eventually, after many attempts to bring him in and keep him failed, the orphanage staff soon gave up on keeping him inside. He grew up in the orphanage but he never lived there for more than a few days at a time after he reached a certain age. He did jobs around the city for different cartels and guilds, giving himself a reputation as a promising youth. He had never lived in an easy place; the orphanage and the city streets both held their own horrors, and Tal learned the harsh truths of vagrant life at an early age. During his childhood, there was one guild above all others in the city: The Rothen Guild. Named after its brutal, legendary founder of ages ago, the Rothen Guild boasted a force superior in finesse, ability, and honor to many other major factions. In a city near to two large castles known to belong to forces of vampire masters, such a claim was often tested. The guild had a reputation of being above petty murder, and only took on jobs that came from exceptional clients or the city itself. Taluin aspired to be one of the infamous Rothen Riders ever since he had known who they were. He got his chance around the age of 14, when, after he had done a few small things for one of the senior members of the guild, he was offered a chance to join them on a mission they believed he could assist them with. When they were successful, he was offered a place among them. However, he one of many young minds they took in at that age. After making him believe it was what he wanted, they put him through vigorous training and discipline. He grew reliant on the guild, believing their story of how they were all a giant family who looked out for each other, and like most did not see where this indoctrination was heading. After decades as a member of the guild, he and others discovered the plots of the heads of the guild. The Rothen Guild had once been what it claimed, but had, before Tal had become an apprentice, been infested with the undead servants of the vampire queen from the east. They were slowly working to spread the disease in the guild's ranks to unleash it on the city. In a blaze of passionate speeches, angry battles, and turning alliances, the Rothen Guild was destroyed in a battle between its last sane members and those already turned against them. Citizens of Dary believe that the guild fell to politics when a new leader came to the head of the faction, but in reality the loss of members was so great that after the whole fiasco was over those who remained just called it quits. Tal, among them, eventually moved on from the city he had called home for more than 50 years, and left to pursue his own life. He has spent his time wander thus far, seeing places he had never visited before.