[list][*][b]Name[/b]: Yoshikawa Miu [*][b]Age[/b]: 87 [*][b]Gender[/b]: Female [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1479/b5827280f8ed0615cb0fb89dabd122104d519e98.jpg]Appearances can be deceptive. [/url] [*][b]Personality[/b]: Humble, passive, and preferring the peaceful solution—all words that describe Miu’s exact opposite. She’s proud of her achievements, competitive in all things, and enjoys fighting far too much to the point of actively hindering her fighting capabilities to stretch it out. She also has a fanatical hatred of cheating and trying to gain something that you haven’t earned. Whilst this means that she looks down upon the mage families that have vast stores of knowledge and wealth to pass down, it’s much worse news for anyone taking part in the White Night or similar rituals (and vampirism, oddly enough). In Miu’s view, whether you want to reach the Origin or obtain vast magic, you’d better do it under your own ability. Simply going through the motions someone else set up? Abusing a font of knowledge that you can’t comprehend but lets you cast spells beyond your means? These are cardinal sins, and she the executioner to punish you. She sees it as a more moral option, too: who the hell wants someone willing to try a get-rich-quick scheme to have enormous power? Having something of an overdeveloped sense of fair play, too, playing dirty is a remarkably effective way to fight her—if you reject the single offer to back out of the White Night and pass the point of no return. Rather passionate and refuses to back down, too—once she’s decided to kill you, only running to another continent’s really a safe bet in this ritual. [*][b]Abilities[/b]: [list][*]Affinity: Improvement; something much in excess of her family’s normal affinity of Reinforcement and practised to an extreme. Aside from basic self-enhancement spells, Miu has directed it towards more lasting effects and outright alterations. One of her favourite tricks is to learn someone’s signature ability… then fight them with another version of it. If it can’t be copied, then she’ll just find a close analogue instead. [*]Body Improvements: Taking inspiration from vampires, and considerable time, Miu has outright enhanced her physical abilities to inhuman levels—as well as prevented her own ageing and gained regeneration. However, the regeneration is inferior to the actual undead’s… and she can’t get rid of the scar the process left without undoing it, either. [*]Right Eye: Worn underneath an eyepatch, generally, it’s apparently nothing but creepy darkness—unless you use some means of revealing illusions. She decided that hiding it was better than having one with inverted colours and a glowing iris. It can see through illusions, as well as the eyepatch it’s hidden behind. [*]Spells: Taking an approach of not really specialising in any single type of magic, Miu’s magical repertoire is uncannily large. Though she could probably pick spells deliberately to counter people, she tends to not use any in combat if it can be helped—or failing that, altering her sword in some way. Changing its size or weight mid-attack, altering the shape, shrouding it in magic, arcs of cutting light with every swing… if she’s not copying your own abilities, it’s probably just that. The majority of the rest of her repertoire? Spells affecting her own body temporarily, of course, though they generally aren’t going to do much her normal abilities can’t. Though hey, being larger or having more arms can be useful… [*][b]Skills[/b]: An excellent swordswoman and, as a mage, someone whose grasp of the more mundane side of magic (such as measuring, drawing, memorisation, and the like) is as close to mastery as can be reasonably achieved. She’s also, for similar reasons, better at cooking than one might expect. [/list] [*][b]Equipment[/b]: Not really feeling any need to prepare for the trip rather than once in Rokuro itself, all that Miu has brought with her is the sword and basic utensils. The sword isn’t terribly unique without magic, aside from being almost nigh-impossible to damage and sharp enough to cut anything unfortunate enough to even fall on it. [*][b]Brief Backstory[/b]: Despite being a gifted mage now, Miu started with very little to note—her family was hardly an established force and all they had going for them were ‘not alchemists’, which probably would have helped them out more. She refused to stay as ineffectual as her parents, however, after learning her affinity: if her magic was one of relentless improvement, then she’d just have to match it. It’s safe to say that she succeeded, with flying colours. It was only later on, more involved in international magic, that her dislike of those who relied on external measures to gain power became a strong enough motivation to get involved and shut these sorts of things down unless the person was able to prove themselves worthy… by being better than she is anyway. It hasn’t really happened. [*][b]Plot Role[/b]: Powerhouse Antagonist[/list]