Name: Isamu Igarashi Age: 14 Gender: Male Appearance: Isamu has light brown eyes, black hair that spikes out in all directions despite all of his attempts to comb it and sort of a relaxed but perpetually crooked smile on his face whenever he's in a good mood. Other than that he's fairly average in height and build for someone his age and normally dresses in his school uniform or else in casual, slightly unkempt clothes. In fact he tries to deliberately invoke 'ordinary' as much as possible in his dress and mannerisms and generally uses his appearance to play up his act as a completely average student hardly worth anyone's second glance. Personality: Ever since he was small, Isamu has spent his time carefully cultivating an appearance as a completely ordinary if not outright mediocre boy in every way. He's easygoing and tries to be friendly towards most people he meets. That surface of friendliness aside, he tries to distance himself somewhat from other people due to being terrified of what would happen if people found out about his 'talent' and to that end is kind but generally non-committal towards others. He avoids just about all sports and extra-curricular activities that might get him noticed, and his hobbies tend mainly towards books and video games and he's especially fond of detective fiction, science fiction and fantasy as well as occasionally 'researching' random topics when he's bored. Partly because he spends so much time alone he has a somewhat overactive imagination and occasionally drifts off into his own little world. That said, he's actually rather clever and cares about people but would generally prefer to just keep living his ordinary life. Abilities: [i]Magic Trait-[b]Increase Burner[/b][/i]: Isamu's 'talent', actually a rather rare magic trait that allows for instinctive and instantaneous use of Self-Reinforcement spells. In short it is the innate skill to turn Mana directly into physical ability. Through use of Increase Burner, Isamu's speed, reflexes, strength, durability and agility can be increased to superhuman levels without the use of traditional magecraft or spells. While his physical traits can be exponentially improved instantaneously, Isamu's magic trait still draws directly from his Mana reserves. Therefore the bigger the increase is the more Mana is required and the faster he begins to run low on it. Isamu is completely unaware of magic outside of his Magic Trait, but possesses the unusual Affinity of Glass. if he were ever to learn how to use his magic properly then apart from spells directly meant to effect or mimic glass, it would enable him greater proficiency with spells involving Fragility, Clarity and Reflection Skills: Unfortunately, cultivating the appearance of an extraordinarily ordinary person means that Isamu has relatively few notable skills. He's smarter and more clever than he lets on, and time spent reading and looking things up 'just because' means he has a surprisingly wide amount of knowledge on various subjects, but it basically amounts to 'is better than average at knowing trivia'. Equipment: Nothing notable. Brief Backstory: Isamu Igarashi was adopted after an incident he can only vaguely remember resulted in the deaths of his birth family when he was very, very young. He ended up with a kindly if as far as he knows mundane family, and has basically lived a comfortably middle class childhood. He had spent a lot of time worrying about what might happen if anyone ever found out he was capable of superhuman physical feats, but for the most part he's never had much of an occasion to use his talent minus a few instinctive uses when he was much younger that his parents insisted he should keep secret. Ideas like fighting crime or righting wrongs with his ability had never much occurred to him, and for the most part both his life and his self-image have been that a of a completely ordinary guy. What he has no idea of is that he's actually the child of two unusual families of Mages, and that he's about to be caught up in a world that cost his original family their lives. Plot Role: Plot Magnet