[h1]POKéMON: NEW ROADS[/h1][h3][color=ADD8E6]Kai[/color][/h3]He couldn't really believe it. Kai had been in the Kalos Region for just about five hours now and was excited and ready to go on his adventure. The plane ride over was his first ever and of course he was super pumped about it. There was a feeling in his gut that there was a chance of a fear of heights and flying, but he got over that after the first hour had passed. Now as he made his way through Lumiose City, the center for the five-pointed region, his body was pumping with adrenaline and excitement. By the time he had arrived in the city and Kalos though, time had gone by and it was pretty late. The blue skies that he was flying in were now darkening and the sparkling of the stars were beginning to show. From the airport Kai had made his way to the hotel his parents had set him up in for the night. The next morning he was supposed to meet up with Professor Sycamore, the region's professor in charge of helping out the new, up-and-coming trainers. Candice had made a call to her friend Professor Rowan of Sinnoh who had then contacted Professor Sycamore for Kai in order to get started. He wanted to start his adventure badly, but the timing didn't work out. Still, the blue-haired trainer found something to keep him occupied for the time being. [color=ADD8E6]"You gotta see this, Cole!"[/color] Kai said, holding out his partner's pokeball. A bolt of crimson lightning shot from the button of the pokeball and at the end of the bolt was the silhouette of his teddy bear partner, Cole. [color=ADD8E6]"This is such a pretty place!"[/color] [color=8B4513][i]"So many lights everywhere!"[/i][/color] The bear said, dazed by the street and building lights as he appeared out from his pokeball. [color=8B4513][i]"I haven't seen so many lights like these since the Volbeat and Illimuse came to Lake Acuity!"[/i][/color] The two Sinnoh natives were amazed by the big city as this was their first experience really outside of Snowpoint. Everything was new and exciting to them and with their naive and youthful attitudes things were going to be amazing for a long time. [color=ADD8E6]"I heard there were places that you can eat [i]and[/i] battle here too, we should go find one!"[/color] The Little Bear Pokemon threw up his fist and nodded confidently. Kai could sense that his partner was ready for some action and grub, as the two were always on the same page. Being new, lost, and confused, only having just settled into his room for the night, Kai ushered on through the city streets in hopes to find a cafe to test out his wits and grab a bite to eat.