[quote=@Shorticus] I'm... Hm. This is a very interesting concept. I'm debating between either joining this RP or another NRP I expressed interest in, so don't sign me on as a "100% going to join" person. I really, really like the concept, but another huge factor for me is how often you want the IC section to update. I suppose that's something you'll probably decide once you have more participants? Or did you already have an idea? Either way, even if I don't join: this is a REALLY neat concept and I think you presented it well. Kudos. EDIT: If I do join, I'll probably try to play someone that at least thinks they're fighting the good fight. I'm a goodie-two-shoes player at heart. Forgive me. [/quote] That's okay ^^ As for the last bit, go read up the Tau from 40k. They have a very authoritarian and harsh rule but its wrapped in a way that makes it seem like its all good and stuff and for the "greater good" even though its clearly Orwellian at its core.