[b]Name:[/b] Espen [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Nord [b]Equipment:[/b] He has little money and no fancy titles of nobility so he wears simplistic armor and wields simplistic weaponry. Imperial light armor/helm, iron war axe/shield. [b]Appearance:[/b] (I will whip up some concept art of him soon) Espen is average build for a Nord, with fair skin, light brown hair and blue eyes. His hair is cropped messy and short with a longer braid left behind his ear. Faded blue tattoos in the Nordic fashion adorn his face and partly his neck. [b]Biography:[/b] Raised in the shadow of the Velothi Mountains in eastern Skyrim he led a mostly solitary life with his family on their little farm. The boy had never so much as held a weapon until mid adolescence. When his father passed of cholera his mother saw no choice but to sell the farm and move into the city. Windhelm was harsh in both it's climate and people. Espen struggled to find work for a clan-less, farm-raised, whelp in such a place. In order to supply his fair share of money to his broken family and with Tamriel plunging into a war he joined the Imperial Legion as an Auxiliary. The axe he once used to split logs for the fire would now be used to split elven skulls for the Empire. Three years of battle have hardened his heart, sharpened his senses and brought a new-found precision and confidence to his blade arm. Through the Legion he has seen more of Tamriel than he ever could have hoped and now finds him self in Cyrodiil. Espen can be rough and crude at times but is overall an agreeable person. He enjoys drinking with the other soldiers and sightseeing when not in the throes of blood-shed.