[center][h3][color=9932CC]Odelia Adams[/color][/h3][/center] Odelia perked right up again as soon as the Head Magister took her seat next to her. She didn't really know what to do about this adorable little girl, or why shy had that look on her face, but before she could say anything the girl raised a hand, stopping Odelia's thoughts from progressing any further out of curiosity. Odelia watched as Aria closed and reopened her hand, revealing the doughnut; undoubtedly the most tastiest and cutest the she's ever seen. Odleia quickly dropped Bosco, who inaudibly fell to the floor after bumping off her leg, and let out a creepy half-smile upon realization that the doughnut was indeed for her as she took it from Aria's hand. Mouthing the words [i]"thank you"[/i] before she got up to visit the others. Before she could start in on her doughnut though, another waitress or maybe the barista (Odelia didn't know), revisited her table, though this time being a bit more personal. [color=9932CC]"Odelia Adams; I'm good now."[/color] She intervened, noting to the magic pastry given to her by Aria before letting Ellie continue. She just slowly nodded her head, her half-smile turning more into a smirk, but relatively just as creepy, as Ellie finished advertising the cafe's hospitality. A moment passed for Ellie to move on, before she removed the left-over paper stick of her lollipop from her mouth and taking a small bite of the doughnut, again and again until it disappeared just as fully as it entered. A small clap from Aria grabbed her attention and gave it to the magical girl who then began talking about a challenge from a guy she didn't know. She didn't really care as she defiantly didn't have any treasure, though the thought of getting one off of said challenge did intrigue her a bit. She watched as Ellie explained the different jobs to do around these parts, none of them striking her fancy to do for work. Although, she would probably head up to the temple, even if just to see the spirits. She watched as the others, who she assumed were all chasers at this point, conversed among themselves as the door bell announced another patron entering the room, giving her attention to this quite energetic fellow. He was rather loud, but she could help admit that he was rather entertaining to watch.