Clocktower, this app is the very reason people stick some into perpetual WIP. For the fuck of it all: [b]Name[/b]: Michigan [b]Flag[/b]: [img][/img] [b]Nation Type[/b]: Republic [b]Claims[/b]: [img][/img] [b]Terrain[/b]: Comprised of two distinct peninsula the state of Michigan comprises a region of stark geographical contrast. The Upper Peninsula was even before the war a rugged sparsely populated part of the state. Dense forests cover the U.P and the ancient Porcupine Mountains dominate the western edge of the peninsula. The Lower Peninsula is much more dominated by signs of Michigan's ancient glacier-cut landscape with numerous glacier-carved hills and moraines cut by the receding glacial shield. Each peninsula being bordered on three sides each by the mighty Great Lakes gives the pseudo-nation the title of the longest freshwater coastline of any state or province in the world, and with it access to the fisheries of the Great Lakes and the mercantile opportunities of trade groups moving through the Great Lakes, whether from up through Chicago to Buffalo or from Canada to throughout. On the Great Lakes themselves numerable sheltered bays provide natural shelters for travelers seeking to dodge the Lake's infamous autumn storms and naturally protected pockets for regional ports. Once more the interior of the state has flecked with many smaller freshwater lakes as important to local economies as the larger Great Lakes. And as an inverse, Michigan lays claims to the numerous small islands themselves found in the Great Lakes; many undisturbed by old-world development as in the days of yore they were protected as wild-life refuges and offer up bountiful natural resources and outposts for the new post-Apocalyptic regime. [b]Government Type[/b]: The government of the State of Michigan mirrors that of the old world government, with a recognized Governor General with executive power and two independent legislative houses. A Supreme Court operates as the highest interpretative authority in the state's laws. [b]Capital[/b]: Lansing [b]Head of State[/b]: Richard "Rich" Colman. [b]Other Important People[/b]: Andrew Steffonson - Speaker of the House Frank Haufman - Speaker of the Senate [b]Population[/b]: 3.8 million [b]Attitude Towards Evols[/b]: Negative [b]Economic System[/b]: Capitalism [b]Resources[/b]: Cherries, Blueberries, Pickling cucumbers, Navy beans, soy, corn, wheat, dairy, wool, copper, timber, coal, fish, [b]Currency[/b]: Michigan Dollar [b]Technology[/b]: Post-Apocalyptic reconstruction cottage industry [b]Official Religion[/b]: Christianity (Protestant, Catholic) [b]Religious Information[/b]: Adherence to faith in Michigan is in the typical Protestant style where there is no head of church, as well as continuation of the old-school virtue of separation of church and state meaning there is no federally appointed faith leader for all denominations. While Christianity is the largest branch of faith (with over 80% of individuals) a collection of alternative faiths are practiced but are hardly anymore than 10% of the present population. [b]History[/b]: Prior to zero hour in the war that ended civilization the Michigan state legislature and government evacuated Lansing on warning from the US Government, taking with them much of Lansing with them as they escaped the state capital to avoid nuclear devastation, like-wise as elsewhere in the state. As a result, when the bombs dropped the damage was merely artificial with East Lansing having taken the brunt of the assault, sweeping away the university and throwing against downtown Lansing the force of the shock-wave. As the fires of nuclear Armageddon dimmed, efforts to make contact with the federal US government in the United States met with ill success as Washington DC met their approaches with an eerie, sepulcher silence. Over the following weeks it became evident that they were alone and the United States as it had been was no more. Looking ahead, the people saw the blackened hardships of post-apocalyptic devastation. While such a devastating attack evoked a strong unity supplies were doomed to run out eventually and incapable of meeting the demand rampant starvation afflicted the people of Michigan and the inability for the medical system to be properly supplied and maintained over the long term meant that many persons died of otherwise preventable causes. Attempts to lighten the burden of survival by the state government that had moved temporarily west to Grand Rapids was met with poor results and they could not do much to relieve the stress and millions eventually died to starvation and poor medical treatment: not to the bombs. In a flash of a light and a flickering smoldering over less than a year Michigan smoldered back to the 19th century. Between then and now claimant governments tried to seize power in Michigan forcing the state government to seize the National Guard units and State Police and turn them into an effective military force to pacify the unrest. The survival of the state government was determined by the force of arms. Ultimately, the conditions in Lansing were deemed safe enough to return to the city, and what could not be repaired was taken down and the rights and responsibilities of the state government in the city was resumed with pomp on a cold mid-February. [b]Culture[/b]: Yoopers hunt with abandon and Trolls do everything else. [b]Military Numbers[/b]: 85,000 active-duty personnel. [b]Military Units[/b]: The present military was drawn from the already present American National Guard and the State Police. Although in the interim years both had to be reformed and redesigned to operate in a much more militarized fashion than before. These groups have been renamed to designate their present function and are respectively known as the the Michigan Republican Guard and the Michigan Active Reserve (operating more as a part-time army with personnel trained as full soldiers to be called to duty when needed). In the unofficial respect a number of decentralized groups have evolved who pledge their services to the government in an ad-hoc unofficial military means often referred to simply as The Rangers, though they may go by a number of alternative names themselves such as The Aventurier.