[@Kidd](Lilah) Tod seemed to be blocking out most of what Lilah had been saying; his blurry eyes focused solely on the hole in his clothes that his right hand was now preoccupied with touching-as if he couldn't believe his favorite jacket had received even more abuse. [i]"MinuteMan?"[/i] The sound of the strangers voice made Tod reach up and feel the hardened leather that encased his face-as if to confirm the womens wild accusation that he was indeed a hero. She followed up the apparently surprising possibility with a question of just what he was doing here. The part of him that was still sane thought it rather odd the woman asked so many questions for someone that just shot a stranger-but then again this girl was obviousley crazy, afterall he thought, she had been able to recognize such a low level hero like Minuteman. "I uh-" He cut off, his rough voice grunting as he fully pulled himself to his feet. Dusting himself off he continued on. "-I was just...Well, I don't exactly know. Its...its been a few rough weeks, ya know?" He finished with a brokenhearted grin as he talked to Lilah like they had just bumped into each other at the laundrymat as opposed to the copious amounts of corpses, blood, and body parts that surrounded them.