[color=a187be]"E-excuse me but... I was looking forward to meeting your wife..."[/color] Alban had just poured them a glass of wine and taken a swig of his when those words came out of Shizuka's mouth. His eyes seemed to expand twice their size in horror, and he immediately started choking on the wine that hadn't yet met his stomach, coughing up a storm. He balled up a fist and beat on his chest until the coughing ceased. [color=6ecff6]"W-W-Wife?!"[/color] the blond man stammered out, still in shock. He quickly held up both of his hands, staring at each of his ring fingers. Fortunately, there was no ring there. [color=6ecff6]"O merci, mon Dieu!"[/color] (Oh thank you, God!) he triumphantly spoke, clasping his hands together in praise. Breathing out and relaxing, Alban let out a nervous laugh, reaching back and scratching his head. [color=6ecff6]"Sorry, I don't have a wife, Shizuka. The only women in my life are my daughter and my mother. Lucille was..."[/color] he pauses for a moment, considering how to phrase his words. [color=6ecff6]"She was a surprise. Her mother, well... She wants nothing to do with either of us. She went back to her parent's estate in Seoul, I think..."[/color] Al's expression took on a more serious appearance when he got onto the topic of Lucille's mother. He couldn't forgive her for abandoning her daughter and responsibility as a mother. There was a certain malice for that woman lingering there in his heart for every time his daughter cried out for her mother, only to have no one there to take that place. Al suddenly raised up the menu, taking a large gulp of wine and thumbing through the entrees. [color=6ecff6]"Soooo... do you see anything that catches your fancy? I would suggest the boeuf bourguignon or the frog legs. I dont know if the frog legs are as good as my mother's though. She's from Louisiana in the United States, so she was practically raised on them."[/color] he cheerily stated, bringing back his smile and diverting the conversation away from heavy topics. The blond definitely didn't want to turn a fun night into a depressing one. [@Stern Algorithm]