Finishing up her mother's songs in the set list, slower and less energetic, but definitely more soulful. The curtain closed and Amity let her breathing steady. There was no reason for her to be nervous. That was a piece of cake. Thinking to herself, the idol knew this would be a perfect time to get some fresh air... without supervision. Peering through the curtain, she saw her trio packing up and getting ready to go back stage. Seeing a crowd of dancers leave the stage, she squeezed between the two tall men and nonchalantly walked down the stairs. She had 20 seconds before Liam's sixth sense started tingling. Ten seconds before Renee would enter backstage and see that she was gone... Whispering to her dancers to pick up the pace, they sped up and her face looked straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with the trio. While they walked, one of the dancers gave her his suit jacket and fedora as a temporary disguise. Nodding to herself that it was time, Amity burst out of the group of dancers and ran for her life. Ran like it was nobody's business. She needed to get to the door in 15 seconds before Luke started chasing her. Grinning to herself, Amity was excited for a little freedom until they caught her. [@Delta44][@Takashi] For just giving a mostly energetic performance, the idol surprisingly still was capable of speeding through the casino. From a distance, she heard Liam angrily yell her name. She saw some young people notice her and contemplate what just ran passed them. She was drawing near the cat guy she had taken a picture of earlier. Rolling onto the ground, she proceeded to crawl under his table and hid behind the players of this blackjack game. They won't foresee this! ([color=ed145b]I hope[/color]) While she was under the table, she caught sight of a bunny tail on a woman's costume. Too cute. Lifting Kyle's phone up, she snapped a picture of the woman's bottom and went straight to Instagram. [@BeastofDestiny] While she looked through filters, she could see the legs of Liam and Renee. Luke was already out the door. Typing quietly, she wrote: [color=ed145b]"She got dat bunny bubble butt! Bubble bubble bubble butt~. #datass"[/color] and posted the picture on Kyle's social media. Keeping quiet and holding her breath, she watched Liam slowly approach the table. She could tell he was tempted to look under it.. [i][color=ed145b]"Please don't, please don't, please don't."[/color][/i] Renee pulled him toward her, [color=440e62]"You know she's roaming the streets, right? She always goes straight for the door."[/color] Liam responded with silence and then the two left the building. Letting a big exhale out, Amity patted her chest in accomplishment. Crawling out from the blackjack table, she jumped up and stretched, [color=ed145b]"Successful escape!"[/color] Looking at the people staring at her, she bowed from her performance taking off the fedora (briefly revealing her pink hair) and then looked at the Cat man and Bunny girl, [color=ed145b]"Keep up the good work Mr. Cat and Sexy bunny lady. I'm sure you're gonna make people lose all their money tonight!"[/color] Putting the hat back on before anyone noticed her hair, Amity cooed on, [color=ed145b]"With that gents and bunny lady, I bid you adieu! For I have people to avoid, places to go, a night to enjoy!"[/color] Then she leaned in to whisper to the Cat and the Bunny, [color=ed145b]"This guy right here..."[/color] She subtly gestured to the a bald man at the Cat's table, [color=ed145b]"He's really drunk. Get all his money." [/color] Backing up, she waved goodbye, [color=ed145b]"Until we meet again!"[/color] She took a quick selfie on Kyle's phone sticking her tongue out and with the two right behind her. Then she gestured to the phone which showed she'd remember their faces and off she went into the night. - [b]10:00PM[/b] [@Rekaigan] Strolling in Shiny Park with her performing outfit ([url=] Clicky[/url]), a man's large suit jacket, and a fedora, Amity breathed in the glorious night air. Her phone was going crazy so she put it on silence. Putting her phone away and taking out Kyle's phone she started a video, [@BeastofDestiny] [color=ed145b]"Dude, you totally missed my epicness. I rolled under the casino table and then bam! Got away from the trio. You know how hard that's gotten? REALLY HARD. I had to be creative. I wonder what you're up to. We need to hangout properly... you know where you don't get into a--"[/color] Before Amity got to the word "fight", she seemed to have entered a clearing and... [i]~Trip~ [/i] She fell over someone, who was laying on the grass. Her fedora came off revealing her pink hair. [color=ed145b]"Ouch..."[/color] Kyle's phone had closed and ended the video. Opening her eyes, she realized she was on top of a boy. Her ice eyes scanned him... He had green eyes and brown hair... he felt pretty fit too... [color=ed145b]"Uh... I'm-- sorry."[/color] She was frozen in embarrassment, Amity knew she should get off him but she couldn't move.