Ken'Koris stood in front of the ship's elevator doors, waiting for it to arrive and let him get to the shuttle. How come the others had received the fun jobs, and he was stuck with being a [i]diplomat[/i]? He was a soldier, not a politician! But that was the nature of Spectre Ops. He had come to learn such things. His Spectre training covered some parts of diplomacy, and he had learned a bit, but he knew others could do a much better job. Sighing, Ken'Koris looked at the folder he held in his left hand, and began reading it over carefully. Two documents were in the folder. One regarding Pai Min, his fellow Spectre, and another regarding the Planetary Salarian Governor. He had to find out who this Governor was, did and liked, as Ken'Koris felt that such information was important. Pai Min's document was also important, and some curiosity gnawed at Ken'Koris, which was strange enough to make him shake his own head. He never read his team mates' sheets... But practices could change. Ken'Koris sighed for a second time in a single minute, and stepped into the elevator once it opened its doors. Some others of the crew walked into the elevator with him, but no Spectre. He would have loved it if one of them had entered at the same time as him, just to introduce himself. Heck, he would have loved it if Aela'Bekk made an appearance! But that was his luck. Sent to diplomatic tasks in boring environments with no adrenaline whatsoever. He sighed a third time, gathering attention from a couple crew members, and the elevator's doors opened, spewing out a bunch of the crew before closing again and finally heading for the deck he needed to be at right now. If he was correct, the shuttle should have some weapons to choose from. He wasn't picky, and even a single Mk-4 Avenger rifle would tickle his fancy, since such admittedly slightly dated weapons were the norm in the Quarian Navy, anyway. He looked at the single remaining crew member in the Elevator, and with his synthesized voice, spoke. [b]"Geez, you'd think they'd have built elevators to go faster. Apparently they're slower than ever!" [/b] The turian male, far taller than him, merely shook his head with a light laugh. Silence reigned the Elevator's small atmosphere until the doors opened and they both walked out, splitting ways. The turian disappeared into a group of crew members, who were busy preparing the shuttles for takeoff, and Ken'Koris looked at his transport. [i]'Whew. Seems like it's a different model than what I'm used to.'[/i] He thought, admiring its sleek yet solid looking design. It was a... Professional looking ship, and with some custom paint, it could possibly become a Professional [i]and[/i] Quarian looking ship.