[quote=@Guess Who] You're mistaken. American schools don't even teach that much. I knew about the War of 1812 from a documentary on the History Channel (back when the History Channel was actually good) and when I asked a teacher about it, they're only reply was, "I don't even know anything about it. It's probably not important." [/quote] Well, in context, it wasn't. The war was over Britain forcing us sailors to join the British navy cuz of the war with napoleon.. The US declared war, lost a lot, then started to win a bit, Britain defeated Napoleon, so they didn't even need to force people to join the british navy, so the US/Britain pretty much had little to fight for by the end of the war. The only significant results were that the white house was burned, US felt independent from Britain now, The US said fuck we need a better army, Canadians pretend they were significant for once(kidding). Honestly the only thing I would even see that was important to world/US history was that Canada decided fuck you USA we're not becoming a new state, and the war quite possibly prevented the US from annexing Canada.