[@Rekaigan] He brought the phone to her face and she read the text: [quote][color=a2d39c]"No need to apologize. Are you alright?"[/color][/quote] That's weird. Was he a singer? She knew sometimes when she'd start to lose her voice she'd stay silent for a couple days and drink tea with lemon. She observed his physique... by the look of him, he didn't look like a musician. She shouldn't judge though. He could be one hell of a metal singer for all she knew! Accepting the fact that he wasn't speaking, and thankful he broke the ice, she pushed herself off of him but sat beside him, close and like a friend. Hugging her legs, Amie explained, [color=ed145b]"I'm sometimes all over the place... Don't worry. A little fall like that won't hurt me. I've tripped off stage before. That was embarrassing. I was in the hospital for a few weeks."[/color] With caring eyes, she pressed her hand on his chest, [color=ed145b]"You sure I didn't hurt you? What are you doing out here by yourself? I know for me... alone time is something I wished I had more, but somehow..."[/color] She looked at her situation in this moment, for some reason Amity had a strong radar for attracting, or in this case, crashing into people. Shaking her head, the idol took back what she said, [color=ed145b]"You don't need to answer that. You probably just like the night sky."[/color] She gave him a serene smile and then looked up at the stars, [color=ed145b]"Me too."[/color] Then she let out a giggle, realizing her bottom was now wet, [color=ed145b]"But now our butts are wet! It's been raining all day today."[/color] Shrugging to herself but still with a happy expression on, she looked around. The girl didn't mind a little wet grass. The air was cold, but it was bearable. The air smelt fresh and the night was just overall a nice time of day. Realizing she didn't introduce herself, the idol grinned and thought to herself, [color=ed145b]"Who knows if he knows me, but I'm not going to lie! That's the least I could do."[/color] Not really looking around to see if there were other people that could hear her, she introduced herself offering her hand for a good old fashioned handshake, [color=ed145b]"The names Amity. Amity Bellerose. But you can call me Amie." [/color] She didn't know how well versed this guy was in pop culture, so there could be a chance he had no clue who she was or he just wouldn't believe it. Either way, she laid out the truth and waited for his response patiently.