A reflection stood confidently in a slim coat, a button down shirt of deep red and black slacks that ended just as they touched the top of the feet. A man, still young enough but a man none-the-less, examined himself in a full length mirror, the only actual furniture in the apartment apart from appliances. There was a lot going on in the world, a lot going on in this city, but this building was deathly silent. Both the four bedroom, three story house beneath him and the other one bedroom apartment, that shared a wall with his, were empty and still. He was the building's only occupant. And he was going out. But, even though the nightlife was about to start, he wasn't looking to party. The look in the brown eyes of this young man was that of a man working. That was what he was looking to do. Businesses cost money to buy and he didn't have enough yet. Still, he had made progress. He had a place to stay and it was very reasonable since the landlord lived in another city now and needed someone to take care of the other rentals. He basically paid utilities and a hundred over the top, if you did the math. His hair was neat enough and his clothes were fine, loose enough to allow movement but pseudo-formal enough for either an office or a restaurant. He might even get into a club with this. Though, that reminded him to turn away from the mirror and crouch down so that he could rummage through his bags. There were two suitcases, a large duffel, and a backpack. It was the backpack that he opened, snaking his hand through the stuffed thing until he located his wallet. It took a few minutes since the thing was slim and black. It also had a name printed on it, Vern C. Smith. The suitcases and the backpack had the same name printed on them in simple block letters. But, the duffel had elaborate and colorful lettering with glitter to outline the name, The Limit Breaker. Vern pocketed his wallet, picked up the duffel and hauled its heavy bulk to a closet. Then he turned the glitz of the name toward the back of the closet and shut it inside. Two minutes later, the lights were off and the door was locked with him on the outside and a key in his pocket. He had heard that there might be a nibble on the other apartment but that the person wanted to meet in the park for some reason. It would be fine if this person showed and fine if they didn't. They hadn't specified a time or spot in the park anyway. He needed to take a look around town and the park was a good place to start. Anyway, it would be Vern's first night in a new city. He set out with strong strides. It wouldn't do to delay his introduction. The walk to the park was pleasant with the wet sheen of the pavement and the scent of the rain still hanging on the breeze with the moon drifting high above. There wasn't as much lighting as he had expected but he had good night vision so it wasn't an issue. Though he did notice several points of movement in the dim light. It seemed like the park was fairly popular, even at night. It might have helped if he had been told something about who he was meeting. But, since he didn't have that, he just had to wing it. Maybe the landlord had told them something about him instead. Still, all he could do was walk around like somebody waiting for a meeting. So, he did. He shortened his stride to a stroll and kept one hand in his pocket on his phone in case the landlord had given this person his number. It was set to vibrate so that he wouldn't disturb any couples out tonight, like that pair on the grass. Then again, the glow of a cellphone screen was visible so it probably wasn't a very romantic date. The girl had pretty flambuoyant hair though. Not many wear pink that boldly. Interesting, but not his business. He stayed on the path and passed them by, still watching and waiting.