[@lovely complex] Kazu listened to the girl ramble on about herself. He couldn't blame her. He couldn't respond fast enough to say anything, neither could he speak. He felt her hand gently press against his chest, her expression seemed soft and caring. He didn't really understand the gesture, but he was sure that it wasn't something to look too deeply into. [quote] [color=ed145b]"You sure I didn't hurt you? What are you doing out here by yourself? I know for me... alone time is something I wished I had more, but somehow..."[/color] [/quote] He was about to try answer her question, but she immediately told him not to answer. [i][color=a2d39c]I was just.. Y'know, relaxing.[/color][/i] He thought to himself. He figured that he should get faster at typing or something. When she mentioned the fact that it had been raining, he blinked as if it was new information to him. He only just realized that his clothes were damp from the wet grass. [i][color=a2d39c]No wonder it felt kind of cold..[/color][/i] He thought as he sat up, just noticing that she had gotten off him. [quote] [color=ed145b]"The names Amity. Amity Bellerose. But you can call me Amie." [/color] [/quote] He looked at her hand for a moment before he grasped it with a gentle grip, without really shaking it. He let go of her hand and quickly typed on his phone before showing her the screen again. He might as well tell her everything. Or else it might be troublesome. [color=a2d39c]"My name is Kazuma Watanabe. Please, call me 'Kazu' for short. It is a pleasure to meet you, Amie. I apologize for my lack of response. I cannot speak."[/color] The text said. He gave her a warm smile, as if to say that she shouldn't worry about it too much. He didn't really expect her to know sign language or anything like that. He was used to it being this way. [@Daxam] After his brief introduction, he looked up at the source of another voice. He said something about being lost. Kazu shook his head for a moment with a slight frown, typing on his phone again. [color=a2d39c]"Sorry. I'm quite new in this city as well. I cannot assist you."[/color]