(A Continuing Collaboration written by BeastofDestiny and [@Narcotic Dollie]) When Nori has finished her shower, she wraps a towel around herself and stands at the counter, scrolling through the messages on her phone. Detective Holland hadn't texted her yet, which was making her increasingly anxious. The blonde puts her phone back down and closes her eyes, remembering their conversation from earlier that morning. [i]Nori hesitates for a moment, before tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear and asking, "Can you text me every once in a while, so I know you're okay?" "Don't worry about me." Oliver smiled, lowering his hands before adjusting his hat. "But I do appreciate the concern nonetheless. It'll be fine, I'm sure of it."[/i] She wants to text him to make sure he's alright, but thinks better of it. After all, what if he had forgotten to turn his phone on silent and she gave away his hiding spot? [i]'He'll be okay, this is his job, after all. Besides, he has gun,'[/i] Nori reassures herself as she finishes drying off, pulling her 'My cat must be my Senpai' sweater back on along with a pair of plain black pajama pants. The florist reaches for the doorknob and inhales deep, exhaling hard as she steels herself for another awkward interaction with Kyle. Nori pushes the door open and finds Kyle sitting on his bed, his large hands flipping through the pages of one of the many yearbooks scattered around him. [color=Gold]"Hey,"[/color] Nori says, flashing him a nervous little smile. [color=Gold]"Thanks again, for letting me stay with you,"[/color] she tells him, brushing her damp hair over her shoulder as she crosses the room to stand by him. Lots of good memories of days gone by, and here he was now an adult with a career ahead of him, his friend back in town, her career ahead of her. It felt odd, reminiscing like an old fart, but he did have to wonder where the time had gone as he looked over a picture of him and his friend dressed as secret agents for Halloween. There were a couple of good ones in here, though some of the stuff was unrecognizable or illegible as Amity had taken the liberty to use his year books for writing and 'art' projects. He was so lost in his memories he barely even heard the door open, [color=Gold]"Hey,"[/color] the familiar voice pulls him back to reality, [color=Gold]"Thanks again, for letting me stay with you."[/color] [color=LimeGreen]"Its not a problem at all, my door's always open to anyone who needs it, I know I don't have much here, but I try to be as hospitable as I can,"[/color] he looks up at her with a weak smile knowing full well he hasn't been, [color=LimeGreen]"I'm sorry, about earlier. I can't blame you for thinking the way you did, I probably would've thought the same if the roles were reversed."[/color] He frowns slightly, noticing she has a somewhat nervous or anxious look on her face, [color=LimeGreen]"If you don't really want to hang around me right now, I'd understand, I haven't exactly been the most graceful ass tonight."[/color] [color=Gold]"No, it's alright, I don't really want to be alone right now,"[/color] Nori admits, because it's the truth. She's worried about the whole weatherman thing, she's still scared from that awful movie, she feels bad for blowing up on Kyle, and the last thing she wants is to be alone and dwell on everything that's happened today. [color=Gold]"I probably could have handled it better than I did too,"[/color] the DJ concedes, sitting down next to him on the bed so they're almost touching. [color=Gold]"I'm sorry,"[/color] she adds, stretching out her pinky finger so that it's just barely touching his hand. [color=Gold]"I think I'm ready to make fun of your high school pictures now, if that's still okay?"[/color] He smiles, noticing her pinky is extended, he extends his in return to gently embrace it, [color=LimeGreen]"Absolutely."[/color] He nods and pulls open his junior yearbook, flipping through its contents he starts regaling about times with friends, pranks pulled on teachers, adventures and camaraderie in different clubs. There were plenty of pictures of him with friends, guys and girls, Amity was the most prevalent in all these photos and that was because the school knew the two were inseparable (some actually thought they were dating). [color=LimeGreen]"This is James and me at the talent show, he needed a partner for this ninja fight scene he had in mind, he was going to do it with another guy, but he sprained his ankle a week before the show. Now I don't know a lick of kung fu, but man did James whoop my butt into shape that week, he choreographed everything so I just had to follow the move sets, but I can still feel the bruises from when he'd keep throwing me to the ground."[/color] He laughed, the whole thing was pretty absurd, [color=LimeGreen]"You'd think in a school with 2,000 plus kids, he would've found a different partner, but nope he had to come to me, I suppose that's what friend are for though."[/color] Continuing through the pages he eventually stumbled upon the class photos section and showed Nori a few people he remembered, good people he'd hang out with from time to time. There were plenty of portraits that were blotted out in black permanent marker, another vandalism caused by his eccentric friend. [color=LimeGreen]"Aside from Amity and James, I usually hung out with Mike Wolcott and Xavier Myers, both really cool dudes, the four of us usually got up to no good, nothing bad, but..well not really good either."[/color] He flipped the page as he laughed before suddenly stopping when his eyes rested on one of the pictures, [i]'Oh...I had forgotten about that.'[/i] The thought filled his mind as he stared absentmindedly at the picture of a girl with short raven black hair, grey eyes and fair skin, cute half-rimmed spectacles adorning her face, the writing 'eh, she's alright I guess', is below her portrait. [hider=The girl][img]http://i.imgur.com/3mIQsYB.jpg[/img][/hider] Nori listens as he recounts his highschool years, smiling when he reaches out with his pinky and wraps it around her own. [i]'Amity Bellerose, huh?'[/i] Nori thinks, blinking down at one of the many pictures of Kyle and her together. The DJ had seen pictures of the songstress on the occasional concert poster or magazine cover and she looked just as flawless and put together as a high schooler. Nori had always liked her music, it was really fun to remix. [i]'I'd kill for eyelashes like that,'[/i] the blonde thinks as she peers down at a close up of Amity, leaning in to get a better look. [i]'They look so big that I think she could knock people over with them if she blinked fast enough.'[/i] Nori stops studying the starlet and looks back up at Kyle when she realizes he's grown quite. He's zeroed in on one of the pictures in the corner of the page so Nori traces his gaze to see whoever it is that has him so preoccupied. [color=Gold]"She's lovely,"[/color] Nori admits when her eyes land on the other girl, untangling their fingers so she can run her hand over the page. [color=Gold]"Teenage flame?"[/color] The tattooed girl asks, scooting a little closer so their legs are now pressed together. [color=Gold]"It's cool, I hear everybody has one,"[/color] Nori comforts, before scrunching up her face and adding, [color=Gold]"Well, not me, but that's just because the only other kid my age lived on the rice farm next door and only had one tooth. And stank. Constantly. But I hear that people who grow up in bigger towns all have one."[/color] Nori pulls her hand away from the yearbook and reaches over to cover his completely, looking back up at the American. [color=Gold]"Did you want to talk about it?"[/color] He looks down at Nori's hand on his own before moving back up to her eyes, her inquisitive gaze piercing and unyielding. He scratches his neck, briefly considering the prospect before he decides on opening up about it, [color=LimeGreen]"Julia Dawson, a teenage flame? Yea that'd be one way to put it, a high school sweetheart another...she was the last serious relationship I had before moving here. She was funny, smart, nerdy, gorgeous as hell,"[/color] a smile crosses his lips before wavering slightly, [color=LimeGreen]"My life brought me out here though and her life brought her elsewhere, we wanted to stay a couple and even planned on the whole long distance thing. As the summer drew on and was coming towards a close, we both somewhere along the way came to the realization that it'd never work."[/color] Kyle leans back, turning all the while to reach up for an object hanging from the wall. Its a small metal wristband lined with different objects, he brings it back and presents it to Nori, [color=LimeGreen]"She gave this to me as a memento, before we broke up, I gave her a metal chain with a jade stone attached to it."[/color] He leans back on his hands and stares up at the ceiling, [color=LimeGreen]"We burned bright, we burned hot, but before we knew, we burnt out. Personally, if I had the choice, I wouldn't want the same situation forced on me again."[/color] Nori looks at the wristband, the metallic surface gleaming in the bright lights of Kyle's bedroom, but she doesn't touch it. Some things aren't meant for everyone. [color=Gold]"That sucks,"[/color] she says instead, reaching over with her off hand and patting his knee reassuringly before pulling hers back completely. [color=Gold]"I'm sorry that happened to you."[/color] There was no great love lost in Nori's past. The first guy she had ever been with was a friend that had reluctantly agreed to it, like she was asking him to take out the trash or do the laundry instead of taking her to bed. Then there was Jennifer, but she was more just someone warm to cuddle with when Nori got to lonely. She had liked Nick quite a lot, but they had never been able to go on a date, thanks to her cold feet. [color=Gold]"Do you want to watch SpongeTod TriangleShirt with me until we forget about serial killers and pretty American girls?"[/color] Nori asks, nudging at him to try and shake the serious mood that had befallen the room. He nods, a small smile on his lips as he stares at the DJ, [color=LimeGreen]"I'd like that,"[/color] as he leans back to put the bracelet on the hook he had it hanging from he says, [color=LimeGreen]"Besides, I'd much rather think about pretty Japanese girls instead."[/color] He gives her a cheeky grin, nudging her arm with his gently before leaning over to plant a kiss on her cheek. He gets up from his bed and moves to his closet, putting the year books back into the box, he leaves the box on the floor wanting to deal with it later. Instead he reaches into the closet again to grab a spare pillow and comforter for Nori, [color=LimeGreen]"Your sleeping accommodations madame,"[/color] he fakes a British butler accent all while bowing very slightly to the petite girl. A slight rumbling formed in his belly, even though they'd just ate not a couple of hours ago, he was kind of hungry. [color=LimeGreen]"eh..hehe, cake and alcohol go well together right?"[/color] "Besides, I'd much rather think about pretty Japanese girls instead," Kyle teases, his voice dropping a little in pitch as he swoops down to plant a kiss on her cheek. Nori hadn't expected the peck and she feels the heat of a blush begin to creep its way up her neck. He turns to the closet to retrieve something from the top shelf and when his back is to her the blonde reaches a hand up to gingerly lay it over the cheek that he smooched, the corners of her lips twitching up just a little bit. "Your sleeping accommodations madame," Kyle starts in a funny accent, and Nori drops her hand before he has a chance to turn around and see her. He gives a silly half bow that causes her to giggle as she reaches out and retrieve the fluffy blanket and pillow. [color=Gold]"(Thank you,)"[/color] she replies in English, her accent so heavy that it almost sounds 'Thonk you'. It was the only phrase she knew in the language other than 'I'm tired of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane.' Because, you know, reasons. As they trot back over to the living room, Kyle's stomach makes a noise like a dying hyena and Nori can't stop herself from cackling. "eh..hehe, cake and alcohol go well together right?" He asks, somewhat sheepishly. [color=Gold]"Yeah, that sounds good,"[/color] Nori agrees, dropping the blanket and pillow off at the couch before going to the kitchen and fetching the entire cake, along with two forks. [color=Gold]"Is it okay if we eat it straight out of the pan, like heathens?"[/color] The blonde asks, plopping down on the couch next to Kyle and using her fork to scoop out a piece and holding it out to Kyle as an offering. He beams a smile at her, despite the heavy accent, he knew what she was trying to say and he couldn't help but express his appreciation other than with a simple [color=LimeGreen]"(You're welcome)."[/color] Nori agrees with him that cake is a good idea and as she goes off to retrieve it, he plops himself on the couch. When she returns the entire cake is in her hands with two forks, [color=LimeGreen]"Oh god, really?"[/color] he starts laughing as she sits next to him. [color=Gold]Is is okay if we eat it straight out of the pan, like heathens?"[/color] She buries the fork in the cake, pulling out a nice chunk and offering it to Kyle. He taps a finger against his chin, weighing his options, [color=LimeGreen]"Wellllll---*om*"[/color] Suddenly and without warning, Kyle's mouth snaps down on the fork like a crocodile, his eyes briefly dart to Nori's as he gives her a little grin before pulling the piece of cake away from the fork, leaving it safely in his mouth as the utensil leaves. He chews it, noting how rich, moist and flavorful it was, [color=LimeGreen]"MMM~, I knew Amity flew in this morning, but this cake tastes homemade, when did she even have the time?"[/color] The cake has turned into a nice chocolaty mess in his mouth as he keeps chewing, before taking a swig of rum to wash it down; surprisingly it actually tasted nice with the rum. "Oh god, really?" [color=Gold]"What? It's less dishes this way!"[/color] Nori explains as Kyle chops down on the fork, provoking a giggle out of the diminutive blonde. The American chases the bite of cake with a swig of rum and Nori raises a brow before warning, [color=Gold]"Be careful with that, alcohol will get you killed in a slasher flick too."[/color] The brunette has a trace of icing on his chin so Nori leans forward, swiping the pad of her finger over it and popping it in her mouth. [color=Gold]"S'good,"[/color] she murmurs around her finger as she licks it clean, before scooping out a bite for herself and nibbling at it. It was tasty, but after all the food Kyle had fed her for dinner Nori was way too full to eat much. Instead of forcing herself to cram anymore food into her already stuffed belly, Nori sets the cake down on the coffee table and stretches out on the couch, resting her legs over Kyle's lap as she pulls the fluffy comforter over herself. After what feels like and eternity of wiggling and shifting, she finally has a nice little cocoon set up for herself and the blonde lets out a contented sigh, turning so she can watch SpongeTod go on his latest adventure at the Krunchy Kelp. He shakes his head when she comments about the drinking, [color=LimeGreen]"So is there anything fun to do that won't get you killed in a slasher?"[/color] Nori sets down the cake and busies herself into a nice burrito, her legs extended over Kyle's lap, his hands rest on them and he watches the show with her. The episode was a rerun, just another busy day for SpongeTod with SeƱor Crustatio being a stingy bastard again. A thought began to form in his head and his thumb started absentmindedly rubbing small circles into her leg. [color=LimeGreen]"If you knew it was your last night, wouldn't you want to live it up a little?"[/color] He kept staring at the screen as he posed the question to her. Nori turns to look at Kyle, her brows furrowing a little at the question. [color=Gold]"Well, yeah, I guess. If I was sure I was going to die, I'd probably want to do something crazy,"[/color] she admits, chewing at the inside of her cheek thoughtfully. [color=Gold]"...but if I wasn't completely sure I was gonna kick the bucket, I'd want to do everything I could to stay alive,"[/color] the blonde declares, before adding, [color=Gold]"I like living. It's my favorite."[/color] [color=LimeGreen]"Its kind of interesting don't you think? None of us are really sure if we're going to die today, tomorrow, or in our elder years, so we're [b]constantly[/b] trying our best to stay alive, so we can go on living."[/color] [color=Gold]"Stop it!"[/color] Nori huffs, reaching over and pinching his arm playfully. [color=Gold]"That conversation is too deep for our second day of knowing each other. Plus, I'm in the oldest, most beat up sweat shirt I own. If we're going to start talking about our imminent demise, I have to [b][i]at least[/i][/b] be wearing pants that have actual buttons,"[/color] she explains, pulling the covers back and rucking her sweater up a little so he can see the waistband of her sweatpants. [color=Gold]"See? Just a drawstring. Do these look like the pants of a woman who has any sort of authority discussing our looming downfall?"[/color] He rubs where she pinched, a brow raised as she pulls up the covers and part of her sweatshirt to reveal the band on her pants, [color=LimeGreen]"Its not like you need a suit to talk about fate, destiny and the infinite nature of the cosmos, you just need the right mindset, and...clearly alcohol is taking me there,"[/color] he pondered that a moment and poked her leg before shaking his head and continuing, [color=LimeGreen]"I think you're right though, it might be too late for that kind of talk, so why not make out about it?"[/color] The blonde is so blindsided by his question that she lets out a startled bark of laughter and actually snorts a little, much to her dismay. [color=Gold]"Oh Jesus, I'm sorry, I just didn't see that one coming,"[/color] she explains, smoothing her shirt back down and propping herself up on her elbows to get a better look at him, the Krunchy Kelp crew completely ignored in favor of this conversation. Kyle's cheeks are just a tad rosy from the rum and his eyes are bright with good humor and something else. [i]'He's serious,'[/i] the DJ realizes, her pulse quickening a bit as she mulls it over. [color=Gold]"Yeah, okay,"[/color] Nori replies after a second, her gaze focused on his lips before flitting them back up to meet his eyes. [color=Gold]"But keep your hands above the belt, cowboy. And if the Weatherman bursts through that door you have to sacrifice yourself for me so I can get away."[/color] She was only kidding about that last part. Sort of. Not really. [color=LimeGreen]"Every woman for herself huh?"[/color] He smirks, [color=LimeGreen]"How kind of you. Fine, I'll deal with it knowing that in the end, totally worth it."[/color] Kyle wraps his arms around Nori, pulling her close. He gives her a teasing grin before planting his lips into hers for a deep kiss, the brief exchange lasting for only a few seconds before he pulls away and chuckles at how flushed her face looks. He goes back in, locking their lips together, feelings of passion and contentment welling up inside him. [@lovely complex]